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Everything posted by dilligas

  1. I read it in one place but on further reading found just the opposite as you said so apparently he can not sign a new NLI as you said. Sorry all for giving out misinformation. http://www.nationalletter.org/frequentlyAskedQuestions/askingForARelease.html
  2. https://web3.ncaa.org/ECMIP/docs/nli_education_tutorial.pdf says here a prospective student athlete may sign a new nli after released from the first one if he/she has not enrolled in the first school. Since Brooks has not enrolled T utk he can indeed sign a new NLI according to NCAA unless the SEC has some rule that the NCAA does not in regards to that.
  3. Harsin, send him a NLI to sign and get him on board ASAP
  4. I was just poking fun at the comment that he was a Uga fan until Cam came along.
  5. So he’s been an AU fan since he was 7 or 8 years old.
  6. You’re right about that. Hudl makes it possible for kids to self promote more than before. There’s a good article here on this Site about Wesley Steiner’s story on his recruitment and clearly he took full advantage.
  7. If that were true why do you think college coaches work so hard to develop relationships with the high school coaches. They do matter more than the recruiting services may think they do.
  8. Such as how good the highlight tape is and who all the kids coach sends it to. The high school coach can make a big difference in a kids exposure or lack thereof.
  9. I’ve heard that sometimes the difference between being a 4 star and a 3 star can be number of camps and which camps attended
  10. Supposedly a transfer but I don’t know if that’s true
  11. I agree. We have some holes in numbers but other holes may be in fit, so some players on the roster may be used in different roles than they had before.
  12. I hope we get a RB5 and 2 OL at least and hopefully the flip fills one of the needs so we can fill all 5 you have listed that Harsin has targeted.
  13. Wow what a get Cody Brown would be. A big highly ranked back. Would fill out the RB room for 2021.
  14. That’s much better then but like you said before they’ll likely eventually release him
  15. If he’s just getting more pissed at them for dragging their feet and they don’t release him I suspect he’ll just go in the portal and sit a year at AU before he would stay at utk
  16. Or maybe higher if it’s the 4 star RB Hargrove from Ruston, LA committed to Miss St. He’s who I’m hoping it is.
  17. On the bullited list it says he’s not yet signed, which is what 247 also shows.
  18. This could be our flip. We’ll find out soon. I’d love for us to flip a 4 star RB.
  19. Then he might have just been yanking everyone’s chain.
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