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Everything posted by AUGoo

  1. Don’t think it’s been effort. Seems we’ve gotten a ton of bad bounces
  2. Tre at least a threat on O and D. Don’t get good feelings when Aden comes in
  3. Don’t know about the TOs but they seem to be killing us on the boards. Thank goodness they’re not shooting well
  4. CJo just continues to look more confident. Liking it!
  5. He just has not looked comfortable or confident all year for a guy scoring 21 / game last year
  6. KD should be in the second group. Lior still out there. He hurt or sick?
  7. Don’t go there We must not speak of these things
  8. Aden unable to drive with 2 open lanes. Turns it over on a third .
  9. After watching USC/UF shoot out at the end, makes me realize we don;t have a crunch time, go to, person on the perimeter. Gotta get some PG production. Broome gonna have a long afternoon. Our shooters better show up or we are gonna look at the UK beat down as a pleasant afternoon walk.
  10. They don't have ability to drive and force the D to make decisions. Hard to watch when the rest of the team is pretty dynamic.
  11. I don’t think Denver is a PG. For some reason he has never looked comfortable with the rock all year
  12. Knexht knocked it out of bounds. Officials gave ball to UT
  13. Disagree Officials were the difference.
  14. UT won with a ref assist tonight. Our guys played great!!
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