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Tiger Refuge

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Everything posted by Tiger Refuge

  1. Things change. Football changed. Players have always been able to transfer, the rules are just different now. I’ll continue to watch and pull for Auburn. Did anyone complain about Cam? I mean, he transferred and was only here one year. I personally think the transfer portal is going to continue to morph and change in the next few years.
  2. Dude. I already said he was in over his head. Exactly what is your problem? edit- I’m out. Have a great night.
  3. As a complete outsider looking in, Harsin appeared to have way too much confidence in his own ability and mostly in his influence. Contrary to what some of y’all want to think, you don’t make it to a D-1 level coaching position by being a complete dumbass. Pride before the fall? I’ve never seen a better example than him. Just an outsider’s view.
  4. May be. However, the original WW reside herein. https://youtu.be/RJhuieEgsSg
  5. And I’m sure they wouldn’t whine if Robbie didn’t work out and halfway through the season we had no better option.
  6. Just wish the young man well and move on. Geeze.
  7. This is absolutely amazing. Well done my good man!
  8. Boom. Goal met. Now don’t be playin. Y’all keep at it. Let’s make this a family type birthday for James. Imma bring the boudin to grill. Who’s makin ice cream?
  9. I have a picture of me on Christmas morning wearing an AttitUde shirt. Gotta say, I look pretty dang…..tUdeless.
  10. I see what you did there. You ain't sliding that by this guy. No siree.
  11. Cooks the best damn veal parm this side of the 50 yard line.
  12. No worries. No one remembers predictions around this joint.
  13. I’m at the age of making sure my shirt is covering as much skin as possible when I exercise. So basically the opposite of what you said.
  14. Oh no, I totally understand. And it was a really weak attempt at “humor” on my part. It just seemed like there was a point in all this portal news that all kinds of qb names were being thrown around. For a guy like me who can’t remember what he ate for lunch yesterday, it gets a bit confusing is all. Mix all that in with “insider” sausage making stuff and I’m 100% more loster that I usually am. And that’s saying something.
  15. It was mostly tongue in cheek on my part. I’m holding tight to the “wait and see” mode.
  16. If all of the reporters were right, we would have signed 16 quarterbacks by now.
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