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Posts posted by icanthearyou

  1. 21 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

    Key word is ramble. Same tune and never a concrete solution. 

    Ignored NOLA’s question didn’t you.

    Simply not true. 

    The problem is defined.  It is simple.  There is no rant or ramble.  Grotesque inequality is anti capitalistic, anti democratic, unproductive, unsustainable, breeds civil unrest, drives up the need for and, cost of government.

    I have offered many elements for a solution.  Primarily,,, stop selling government (restore democracy),,,  end all paid lobbying, extreme campaign finance reform, end the corrupt idea that money is speech.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, auburnatl1 said:

    If everyone suddenly had a billion dollars and social classes were vaporized  - but some believe God has told him they have a spiritual mandate to convert others by any means necessary. You still kinda have a problem. Human nature isn’t all about simply one axis. 

    I do not believe you considered relativity in that statement.  On it's face,,, it's pretty dumb.

    Of course people will always struggle for power but,,, that is the point.  Economic power should not be allowed to be an overwhelming force.  Principles should be. 

    Extremely concentrated wealth wants power, control.  It corrupts all, government, religion, politics, education, justice. 

    Perhaps the nature of power is more concerning than the nature of human beings,,, in a political discussion.



  3. 20 hours ago, DAG said:

    Yes , also was fired for cause so Arkansas board basically had to vote to override a precedent they set. Desperate times indeed. 

    Winning is more important than character.

    These institutions should not be desperate for anything related to football.  The real question is,,, where does the money really go?

    • Sad 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

    Just another greed-based haves vs have nots problem solving session.

    The basis of almost all politics regardless of the stated "reasoning".  Politics is semi-civilized class warfare.  The answers lie in balance, not in ideology.

    Peaceful, prosperous, civil societies are built upon relative equality.  Relative equality is a requisite for real freedom and, actual "free markets".   Concentrated power and financialization undermine innovation and competition.

  5. On 11/14/2023 at 12:06 AM, AU9377 said:

    I believe that the choice as to who we should support is very clear

    IMHO,,, we should not unconditionally support any nation.  We should support peace, justice, democracy, equality, humanity.  Those principles are the basis of freedom.

  6. 19 hours ago, Gowebb11 said:

    How do you know I haven’t been in the desert with no canteen? You know nothing about my character or life’s journey. Sometimes helping someone is teaching them to do better. I have plenty sympathy for those on hard times. But I don’t feel sorry for someone who chose a Range Rover and Rolex when they could’ve bought a Ford Escape and Casio. 

    To me all rich people aren’t greedy and selfish, anymore than all poor people are lazy. All rich people didn’t create their own riches. And all poor people didn’t get there by being exploited. It’s not an either/or thing to me. I’m happy to call out the greed and excess in our system. And equally happy to call out those who insists that others always owe them something or are the cause of their issues. There really is a middle ground on most issues, including this one. I’ll let you have the last word  


    So,,, explain why inequality is so extreme and,,, why it is accelerating?  You are okay with over five decades of almost no wage growth? 

    Is it good?  Is it sustainable?  Does it promote capitalism?  Does it promote democracy?  Is the government for sale?

    Yes, there is middle ground.  The key to good government is balancing the interests of capital/business with those of society (those truly are the only two political interests).  I am merely suggesting to you that our current environment is grotesquely out of balance. I offer you proof with historic inequality, no wage growth for decades, the rise of billionaires, the hollowing of the middle class, a country that spends more subsidizing the wealthy than the poor.




  7. 19 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

      You ignored my question. A grown man took out a loan and now doesn’t want to pay it  back. He wants others to pick up the tab. How is that my fault or responsibility. And how do you deem him to be powerless? 

    Somewhere between being heartless, greedy SOBs and holding people accountable for their decisions is the real world that most of us live in. And you need to stop casting judgements on people you’ve never met. It’s very unflattering.  

    Perhaps,,, when you are the one in the desert without a canteen,,, you will understand.

    Helping others should be our nature.  We have been so trained/conditioned to compete,,, that we have forgotten the benefits of cooperation. 

    I am sorry you feel "judged".  No one is judging you.  Your feelings are understandable.

    I would suggest your first task should be examining how much "welfare" in this country goes to those who do not need it versus,,, a real social safety net.

  8. 15 hours ago, Gowebb11 said:

    This man is not an 18 year old kid who got duped into exorbitant loans. He was a 53 year old man who made a deliberate decision to take out a loan, less than most car loans. Why should taxpayers be on the hook for that? You turn every issue into a macroeconomic issue. Sometimes people create their own bad situation by making wrong decisions. 

    I am sympathetic about the medical bills. Our healthcare system has needed a complete overhaul for decades. 

    Perhaps you have to try to understand how financializing all systems is inherently inhumane?  Perhaps you should try to understand how education is far less subsidized now than in the past?  Perhaps you just need to have more heart for those who are less fortunate.  Does there need necessarily mean you must sacrifice?  Finally, we are a society.  We need to try to work together, for all.  That is our best way forward. 

    We need to stop blaming the poor and powerless.  We need to stop using them as an excuse.  We need to examine those with power, how they use that power,,, particularly when you consider the concentrations of wealth, power in our society.

    Why do you not want to help others?  Relative equality is important,,, economically, politically, morally.

  9. 1 hour ago, creed said:

    Any person that needs help in paying bills and I know there many out there. Should first open up entire financial situation for review to determine areas that can be trimmed or cut. For instance, a person needing help may also be smoking 2 cartons of cigarettes per week and drinking a 6 pack every night. When the overall review determines help is needed then provide the help. 

    You are being too kind, too much of a humanitarian.   Those who "deserve" help,,, have already helped themselves.  NO poor people deserve help.  If they did,,, they would not be poor.

    • Haha 1
  10. Let's continue promoting extreme inequality.   Let's continue subsidizing the wealthy more than the poor.

    The losers will always cry.  Don't be a bleeding heart. 

    People are only rich as a result of hard work.  People are only poor because they are lazy, unmotivated, unwilling to work.

    The government is in debt, poverty is rising.  The wealthy in this country need to run this country. 

  11. 4 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

    Mike Johnson is but a symptom of just how bad politics across America is at this time. Both sides would sign up with the Devil if he could lead to 8 years of rule by one Party.


    Absolutely.  Power serves power.

    Our foreign policy does not serve or promote the principles of our nation.  Our foreign policy serves power.  Our foreign policy serves the powerful interests of our country.  We are not, have rarely been,,, genuine.

    • Like 1
  12. 12 minutes ago, ScotsAU said:

    We did get a fantastic play caller. But you can only do so much with a bare cabinet. Harsin didn’t just empty our cabinet of players. He left behind scraps of players with no idea how to win consistently. We saw glimpses of what Freeze could do with very little talent in that three game win stretch. Yesterday, the players who haven’t know what a win streak has felt like, didn’t mentally show up for the game. 
    The coaches do have to take some blame for not having the guys mentally prepared. But Freeze was legit saying all week that we had to play well in this game to win… that we were going to get NMSU’s best. The players still didn’t take it seriously. I think that’s what happens when you have 2 years of abysmal coaching and limited wins. 

    I disagree.  We have two part time offensive coordinators.  We have two part time play callers.


  13. The sky "fell" years ago with a coach who no longer believed you have to dominate the line of scrimmage. 

    We are now firmly into a decade of irrelevance.

    My only problem with Freeze is this:  we have not gotten what I thought we were getting.  I thought we were getting the Freeze offense.  I thought we were getting a very, very good play caller.

    I still do not believe shuffling QBs was ever the problem.  I believe the problem is/was trying to utilize two systems, two offensive coordinators.

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