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Everything posted by kd4au

  1. I guess it's possible Bo might not want to play in his dads shadow so to speak. But if we don't get Bo I'll have to think somebody on the coaching staff royally screwed up. You don't see the turds lose legacy recruits they really want and we shouldn't either.
  2. Are you one of my old English teachers? Some of them were kind of grumpy. Just kidding.
  3. With the way Gus likes to throw deep we need a guy with this speed to stretch the field. Like Sammie. Don't think we have a WR with this type speed. And I don't know how fast he is or who is the fastest, I was going on what was in some previous post.
  4. I didn't know he was the fastest HS player in the country. I want him even more now. I would take him over Ross just because he's faster and you can't beat speed. If AS commits before Ross I would move on and tell him he waited to long his spot is gone. I think we have positions of greater need than WR.
  5. If Horton leaves what do y'all think of Porter coaching RB's and hiring Bolware (not sure of spelling) back for ST and TE coach? And plus someone for what is the position of need with the tenth coach.
  6. Good to see Porter get credit for landing a recruit. He came in with a big time reputation as a recruiter maybe he's starting to find his groove.
  7. If they're just have your age then your not old enough to call yourself OldTigerGrad your still young.
  8. Now you get why we didn't beat uga last night. They were emotionally drained from playing two really tough games in the three weeks before, plus we had several key injuries.
  9. Looks like a good pick up. T-Will getting it done, hope he can reel in another big fish or two.
  10. I think Bo should commit already and help build his class recruiting, we know he is all blue and orange.
  11. I like the sound of that or should I say the look of that.
  12. I've noticed Peters playing more lately, think he was in on one of the long passes uga completed to convert a third and long in the first series. At least he is getting some big game experience.
  13. Thought Worm was a RB, we need a WR that can stretch the field with that speed on the deep ball and the speed sweep. That's what I was referring to, but in general you can't have too much speed.
  14. Gus needs a speed guy in every class. Maybe AS will be one of the speed guy's for this class , as mentioned he would perfect for the speed sweep and we also need speed like that for deep ball.
  15. Great pick up you just can't have to many 4 star D-linemen.
  16. The TV guys said he threw it 60 yards into a strong wind.
  17. All good points and I saw the same things, can someone please send this to Gus. And JMR would you be interested in a coaching job at Auburn if Gus were to get fired(I mean when he gets fired)? I hear it pays really well.
  18. I for one never blamed all the problems on him or Chizik either. Chizik may turn out to be right about Gus and his offense in the long run. The main problem was trying to change offenses without the players to run that offense and the players not buying into the new system. JMO
  19. 3 of the bottom 5 in 2011, that's a shocker, I would have thought all would have been in the dumpster fire that was 2012.
  20. Chip is just another one of Gus's yes men with an OC title.
  21. Lots of positives in there but as I said in another thread it looks like the O-Line is the weak link on this team. Hand needs to get to work, if they don't improve we won't beat Clemson. 8 tackles for loss against GS don't cut it for me.
  22. The defense may need to hold Clemson to zero if our offense doesn't play better. Hope Carlson doesn't miss any next week, we will need those points.
  23. If Fields is better than Lawrence he must be unreal and Gatewood is getting the shaft by his coach, he is clearly at least for tonight the best QB on that team.
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