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Cardin Drake

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Everything posted by Cardin Drake

  1. Couldn't agree more. There is a reason he is the #1 PG recruit. The only reason for the reservation from the fan base is prior disappointment.
  2. He played a lot of PG last year, although I think is preference is for the 2. He's an awesome pickup, and we now have some great options when we play against bigger guards.
  3. Broome playing 4 is intriguing. I'm not sure he has the size to play center in the NBA, but I'm not sure he has the skill set to play 4 in the NBA either. His 3 point shot actually developed pretty well last year, so let's see where it goes. It would be cool to see him play both 4 and 5 this year. I've got confidence that Cardwell can handle more minutes at the 5.
  4. Well, let's make it secure and then implement it. I don't know how though. Signature verification is a joke and even that isn't enforced. Today's process is insecure and everyone knows it. Don't complain when people don't trust elections when they aren't trustworthy by design.
  5. And yet, nothing in your post explaining how the process is secure. That's because even Jimmy Carter was telling 3rd world South American countries that they had to get rid of mail-in balloting to have secure elections. Lefties like Homer are fine with awful practices like ballot harvesting solely because it helps the left win. This is how democracies actually die.
  6. That's one of the problems. The courts won't get involved. The process must be secure. It isn't. I followed the Kari Lake court case pretty closely. Here's a few of the problems that she uncovered that the court ruled were not problems. The signature verification was done so fast that it was clear that it was not actually done. 99% plus were approved with an average verification time of less than a second. That is not verification. The court said, well, they did it so that's all that matters. Worse yet, state law requires the incoming ballots to be counted by the county. They did not do it. They sent them to a 3rd party house, who also did not count the incoming ballots. They did an estimate. 35,000 ballots more than were "estimated" to have arrived at their facility went back to the county. There was testimony that the 3rd party allowed family members to bring in ballots late. Regardless, state law was not followed. The courts said in essence, too bad. The list goes on and on. The process is not secure. You know it. Your party knows it, yet you regard it as a feature not a bug.
  7. Why should anybody trust our elections when some states send mail-in ballots out in mass? Anybody can get a ballot and send it in. There are no safeguards. Can you explain how this process is trustworthy?
  8. Kelly was a great addition and gives us amazing flexibility with the lineup: Pegues-mostly pg Pettiford, Denver 1 or 2 Kelly 1, 2, or 3 All 4 should get good minutes. 3 CBM, Howard, Kelly,CMo 4 Chaney/Broome/Turtle/CMo 5 Broome/Card Pearl will have a lot of options to be able to match up defensively. I really would like to see Broome and Card in at the same time more. We will see. I don't think PF is a liability at all. Chaney's going to show up. I think we would have landed a portal PF if Pearl thought it was a priority.
  9. Certainly PF is the area of biggest concern, however, since Pearl seems inclined to ride with Chaney, I believe Pearl has a lot of faith in him. Big shoes to fill for sure, but I think it was Cole256 who watched Chaney early on this year and said he may be the best player on the team. Now that didn't turn out to be true this year, but the athleticism and potential is there. We will see.
  10. Stalin is famous for saying "It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the vote. It now has it's New York corollary: The trial is over after jury selection. We are about to see it again in New York. What's sad is to see leftists gloating over the death of a once admired judicial system.
  11. Data shows that the farther left you lean, the more anxious, depressed, and unhappy you are Thought I'd drop this nugget in the middle of the 50 fifty threads.. https://greglukianoff.substack.com/p/the-mental-health-consequences-of
  12. A much better plan would be to help everyone; not some arbitrary group. Reward kids who are current on their loans with low interest rates. Reduce the ridiculous penalties for those who fall behind. Reconsider the law to forbid wiping out student debt through bankruptcy. Make all the colleges but particularly private colleges be on the hook for a percentage of the loans themselves. And most of all, tie loans to colleges to no further increases in tuition. There are any number of good ways to help that are much more fair to everyone, including those who didn't take out the loans.
  13. I don't think the point about an overcharge was missed by anyone else. It showed Cohen is not only a liar; he is also a thief. Trump may have known about the payment to Stormy, but it was not illegal. What specific crime(s) do you think Trump committed?
  14. From NBC's update on today's events: Lots of legal analysts and political pundits (who may or may not know much about the law) have opined about the prosecution's decision to charge Trump with a felony by relying on a part of the law that says documents were altered to cover up another crime. Critics have said that the prosecution failed to show exactly what the underlying crime was. Prosecutors have alluded to two crimes that they could invoke, one being federal election law (that Cohen pleaded guilty to violating for the hush money payments) and the other being a New York state law. Critics have said that New York prosecutors shouldn't be able to use federal law violations to prove another crime. And others have said that without even charging a New York state law violation, they have failed on that front. But Merchan just made clear that it's not that cut and dry. Merchan said that prosecutors aren't required to prove the underlying crime beyond a reasonable doubt — which could be a key distinction when he writes the jury instructions. SMH, this is crazy. New standard for criminal trials for Trump only. We allude to crimes that he may have committed; we don't have to actually prove it. This is why I think the jury convicts.
  15. Is there ever a time when you will just admit your latest accusation against Trump is just plain wrong before moving on to the next one?
  16. Edwards funneled nearly a million dollars in campaign donations to his pregnant mistress I don't see how it relates to Trump's case at all.
  17. LOL. They didn't bring it only because they had no case. What is truly political is the unprecedented lengths they have gone to get Trump, including sending the #3 man in the DOJ to Bragg's office to help prosecute Trump. Cohen served time for crimes that had nothing to do with Trump. He got a better deal because he also agreed to plead guilty to campaign finance violations in an attempt by the DOJ to slime Trump with guilt by association. I still do not get what the prosecution's theory is of the crimes Trump committed. It doesn't make sense. He committed election fraud because his accountant recorded this transaction as legal fees in 2017? Had Trump himself recorded the transactions in 2017 as "a bribe to keep Stormy Daniels from telling the truth about me", it would have had zero effect on the 2016 election.
  18. Cohen was sentenced to 3 years total. He could have gotten 30 years for bank fraud and 5 for income tax evasion, hiding more than 4 million dollars in income. His sweetheart deal was for flipping on Trump. Unfortunately for the DOJ, Trump himself didn't do anything illegal. His campaign finance violations did not apply to Trump, or you can be sure they would have been charged. If you read the original post, there is a lot of detail about that. You are right about one thing though, Cohen would never have been charged with anything had the DOJ not been frantically going after everybody in Trump's orbit to try to get to Trump.
  19. This ill-informed opinion is exactly why they thought prosecuting Trump for this nonsense is a good idea. Even with an acquittal or a hung jury, they are counting on folks thinking like this. The truth is Cohen was convicted for crimes Trump had absolutely nothing to do with, most notably evading millions in income tax, and lying on bank loan application forms. The DOJ gave him a sweetheart deal to also plead guilty to campaign finance violations, which was the least of his criminal offenses. He exceeded campaign limits when he made the 130K payment that Trump re-reimbursed him for. Ironically, that limit does not apply to Trump since it was his own campaign. Even now after the prosecution has rested, nobody can say exactly what crimes Trump is alleged to have committed.
  20. I've never understood the prosecution's theory of the case. Even if everything Cohen said is true, where is the crime? The defense shredded Cohen's credibility yesterday for sure, but I will be very surprised if this jury doesn't convict anyway. The prosecution has been planning on the opposite of jury nullification all along.
  21. Dems will dump Biden after the convention.
  22. We are turning into a 3rd world political system. Idiots suggesting we should criminalize opposition to the regime and we have lunatics cheering them on. Should you succeed, you aren't going to like the system you are installing,
  23. Sounds about right. Let's try to criminalize somebody's campaign promise to oppose Biden's plan to end fossil fuels. And gosh, why would oil companies want to contribute to somebody who opposes the plan to end fossil fuels?
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