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Son of A Tiger

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  1. I never thought I would wish Biden would be the DEM candidate in November but I do now. I am already tired of Kackling Kamala. I can't imagine listening to that cackling for 4 years and maybe 8.😀
  2. Looks like you will get your wish. Trump says he 'would be willing to do more than one debate' with Vice President Harris | Fox News
  3. I can't help but laugh at posters noting all the positions Kamala was elected to. She slept het way to the top with Willie Brown. Kamala Harris’ ex-lover, Willie Brown, says Biden should resign immediately and make her president (msn.com)
  4. Do you have the NY Post and NY Times mixed up?
  5. As they say it's easy to be a Monday morning quarterback but this is interesting reading. Pres. Biden's debate disaster reveals a campaign of lies (nypost.com)
  6. I agree but I think he agreed to two debates at the same. time he agreed to the first one. On the positive side for him he really doesn't have much to lose. The damage to Biden is done and it would take a miracle for him to recover now IMHO. Trump needs to focus on what the things he will do given a second term. Biden will continue to say Trump lies and Trump needs to be well versed on Biden's many lies. Unfortunately all presidents and most politicians lie quite often.
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