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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. Doesn’t touch Rock yet. People forget how monstrous the attitude/MNW era was, and the Rock was a key part of that. We’re still watered down compared to then.
  2. Either way. Good god. That’s the most fun I’ve had watching rasslin since the late 90s.
  3. The Anoa’ia has dynasty has volume, sure. The biggest one in the family got planted by taker tonight lol.
  4. Dusty is a literal multi promotion hall of famer, Dustin got literally the worst damned gimmick in history over and whatever Cody touches turns into gold. They’re royalty.
  5. Lord have mercy Dusty had a mid card son but the dude was not only a top face he literally booked a top promotion at one time. Hell he even has a term of art named after him in the business, the “Dusty finish” lol.
  6. I’ll bet Rock Roman at summerslam then the Rock goes away.
  7. Rhodes family are wrestling royalty lol.
  8. You have to resolve it going forward. There’s story here. Rock and Roman, Jimmy and Jey are still a thing. Can’t let that kind of gold go.
  9. He’s a Rhodes he literally knows all these clowns.
  10. The bloodline is still going to be the top of the card going forward. lot to resolve here. Lot of story to tell.
  11. He’s a “wrestling” legend. That’s enough lol.
  12. That’s called an “understatement” lol.
  13. It’s literally Dusty’s kid my dude.
  14. “Won’t somebody think of the heels?!”
  15. Talk about getting your money’s worth holy ****.
  16. At this point I’m waiting on the glass crack lol.
  18. And of course here’s Jimmy
  19. LOTS of swerves and false finishes coming.
  20. They’ve got the crowd wrapped around their fingers.
  21. He was so raw coming out of the Shield days and look at where he is now.
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