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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. Could you imagine the outrage if Biden didn’t move to defend Israel against Iran.
  2. Depends. It was supposed to be in concert with missile strikes but they’re not sending up dozens of decoys. They expect some of them to penetrate.
  3. The US could obliterate Iran’s standing military capability in a week, and that’s if I’m being charitable.
  4. The US is shooting down drones as we speak.
  5. Israel is an apples to oranges comparison though. They hold the upper hand in their conflict. largely thanks to us.
  6. He’s a madman with nukes. There are no easy options here. MAD still exists.
  7. Everyone in NATO was on eggshells in the opening stages of the war until it became clear we wouldn’t kick off World War 3 by sending them weapons. We’re trying to help them. At least a certain subset of our leadership is. Go ahead and watch what happens if we elect that nihilist again lol.
  8. This is such an enormous tell of how damned uninformed you are that it boggles the mind how one could be this ignorant of our respective policies regarding Israel and Ukraine. i mean Israel is literally fielding US manufactured 5th gen fighters as we speak lol. Christ what an uninformed maroon you are.
  9. They have been delivered long since after the “herp derp can’t draw in NATO” fervor cooled down. Now we’re literally training them on our platforms like HIMARs and the Bradley Fighting Vehicle lol.
  10. You have got to be the laziest, stupidest partisan on this site.
  11. WHO rejected it?! They’ve been delivered. Good Christ.
  12. For crying out loud how many operational F4s do you think Poland even has?
  13. IM. You are a ******* partisan idiot and hardly worth my effort. But please do go on.
  14. Yeah that’s bull****. Making stuff up now?
  15. You are living in ******* Republican fantasy land. How are you this god damned stupid.
  16. Iran are lunatics and we should expect them to be lunatics.
  17. One party keeps holding up aid and it isn’t the Ds. Stop it.
  18. I wouldn’t be entirely shocked if Bibi does so.
  19. I don’t know what work you live in but FFS Israel has F35s doing sorties, patriot batteries in the iron dome. They’re on the cutting edge lol. Meanwhile we’re debating F16s for Ukraine lol.
  20. We’re already doing that. Hell we provide more defensive largesse to Israel than we ever have Ukraine.
  21. Here’s a question IM. What should we do if Israel declares war on Iran.
  22. The USA will be farming XP on these drones.
  23. I’ll never be more glad to admit to having a wrong take than I am with this one. They hammered it into an iconic night.
  24. I figured Bloodline would still be top billing but Solo being the “dragon ascendant” is brilliant. The subtle hints have been there all along
  25. Perfect. Solo is primed to be an absolute monster arch-heel.
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