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Brad_ATX last won the day on November 13 2022

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    Austin, TX
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  1. I don't know a single US fan that would have said no to this scenario earlier this year during qualifying: Beat Iran, Advance to Knockouts
  2. Good result. Win and in on Tuesday
  3. That was a really good half for the US
  4. No Reyna + Haji starting. Not a huge fan of this.
  5. Not convinced Wales beats Iran
  6. Battling for consistent 10 win seasons aren't something we are used to at Auburn. If he can pull that off at Ole Miss, then yes, I think he could do it at Auburn. And that's immediately elevating the program.
  7. Ole Miss doesn't win 10 games in a season often. Its a lot harder than you are giving credit for. On average about once a decade there since integration. If you're comparing Ole Miss to Auburn as apples to apples, then you're missing the big picture.
  8. Kiffin has a chance at back-to-back 10 win seasons at Ole Miss. Incredibly hard to do at that school. Don't see how the hire wouldn't immediately elevate us.
  9. Not confident about that. If England beats us, they are through. May then play a B squad against Wales and I could see the Welsh winning that. We need a result Friday to force England to play hard against Wales.
  10. Anyone that had Saudi Arabia leading that group after match day 1 is a liar.
  11. Us vs England is Friday at 1 pm. We have the youngest roster at the World Cup. Lots of young talent. The game Friday is huge if we want to get to the knockout rounds. Need at least a draw. We aren't winning the whole thing, but we can certainly make a run. Its really about gaining experience for when these guys are in their prime 4 years from now and we host the tournament.
  12. Get out more my man. Its the World Cup and people absolutely care that normally wouldn't. Transcends normal fandoms. This was Birmingham yesterday during a work day. I would bet most of these folks are college football fans as well.
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