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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. Familiarize yourself with the particularly twisted brand of Evangelical thought I'm referring to. And you have a PM.
  2. Yep. His poor wife really doesn't have many options. I can’t imagine she has much real choice about leaving. She’s a 27-year-old mother of 4 children ranging from a baby to a 5-year-old. She has a high school education at best, has never dated or had sex with anyone besides Josh, and is surrounded by people who will push her to forgive him. Full disclosure. I have a major problem with the way this " Quiverfull" or "Christian Patriarchy" movement treats women. My scenario is: she’ll apologize for her sin of not being desirable enough to keep his faithful or being to demanding that he take out the garbage, or whatever else made her not ****able enough to keep him from sinning. Because Josh Duggar’s sexual urges are not Josh Duggar’s fault. They are the fault of his wife who was not attractive or available enough. She's very likely been conditioned to think that way and I'm sure the family will encourage it. Chattel doesn’t really get to complain about what its owner does. Sexually repressive, cloistered upbringing? Probably a very accurate sentiment, Titan.
  3. As if you needed any more evidence that the guy is a creep, Josh Duggar apparently maintained an account with them.
  4. Organized football is back!!! Well, pre-season, but still! Yay!
  5. I gotta admit, she is pretty fine! I would say she is!! I thought this was ha ha funny not make me feel funny. Look at the old lady in the background. lol lol. Those are some really proud gaytor fans. Sorry I don't make it that far behind Tebone me Nice end zone too. Oh if I could say what's on my mind now. I'm pretty sure I would get flag for excessive celebration if I got into that end zone! Just as long as it isn't a personal foul. More like a quarterback sneak! Touchdown! I'd be goin in like a tiger wood's put. Hey do yall think she would be a good candidate to take out on a date? Serious question. LT, if you have to ask, then probably not for you. very nice indeed! hilarious thread by the way! The only way it would work for me is if I employed the McElroy plan. That is: Give her a concussion and score a few times. LOL I can only see six letters on the front of that shirt. Where are the T and E you guys are talking about?
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