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Everything posted by autiger88

  1. No I just started coming here after the boards combined(sp?) i posted on the AE boards right before they did this you just didnt see my post I guess and thank you it aint me though thats all her momma lol! hey blondie
  2. Ok AA just making sure i'n so glad you get to experince something you have been wanting its a joy like no other!
  3. awesome AA keep us updated and you know I didnt mean that in a bad way right AA?? the whole trying forever thing??
  4. As old as you are you'll figure it out. It's not that bad. I know yall are getting excited but are you really ready for it? #bigchanges You got that right a4e but to me and more then likley AA(since he has been trying for forever) its worth every second of whats coming AA lol, My daughter can put a smile on my face no matter what I could be having the worst day of my life and she can make it all better!
  5. Yes its under mine too you don't see it on other peoples just your own, and How much longer do you have AA till the baby comes?? and nm just hanging out checking out the new place!
  6. Whats up blondie?? and hey 62
  7. thank you golf, My daughter was wanting a cheese curl so bad she decided to try and get it out of my mouth with hers it was funny so her mom decided for me to do it again and that time she got a pic its one of my favorites.
  8. Hey aa and I hope a4e,its just odd im so used to AE I was on there for 4 years, that coming here now its just odd I like the way our boards were set up and the rules we had but i guess I will just have to get used to this one. Hey Golf!
  9. Hey a4e whats going on? this is going to take time to get used too.
  10. Really again??? Wow Whts up guys??
  11. How come nobody has posted in this in a while?
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