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Everything posted by tigeraddikt

  1. Our man JWill burning some PTO this week.
  2. No way. We should win pretty much all our home games imo.
  3. If you look at this poster’s limited post history, you’ll be able to ascertain whether or not he/she is just a bored troll.
  4. It is 100% speculation on my part. There are dots there, but whether or not they actually connect to anything is just plausible speculation. Not trying to create a narrative from my musings. I’m moving on.😀
  5. I‘m a thinking man, too, and I think that his dad has had the utmost influence over his namesake son’s recruitment. And his dad was dumped from AU football after his sophomore year, with little positive on-field contribution in his short time there. I mean, Rahsaan Evans playing AU like he did was largely bc his dad Alan had an axe to grind. I mean, it’s not unprecedented.
  6. And you know this how? I have no proof that his extremely influential father has an axe to grind, but imo it is entirely plausible and surprising that no one else has mentioned it.
  7. All great points. But why isn’t anyone talking about the fact that his dad was in Tubberville’s doghouse in the Tony Franklin debacle year (2008) and then cut by Chizik when he came in in 2009? Hardly a positive legacy guy for AU. Truth his, he was never going to AU and he only had AU on his list because he clicked with Marcus Davis last Spring.
  8. I’m about 99% sure Freeze told him to use that weekend to spend his Bama bucks and stay TH away from Lee County. But at least the guy isn’t playing games.
  9. Okay that’s fine, but Broome ate their dinner all evening at the block. They have bigs, too, that weren’t just gonna give him something every possession. Admittedly, I was not able to closely watch the whole game, so there were long stretches that I missed. When I was able to watch consistently, mainly the first 8 and last 8 minutes of the game, it looked like Broome was the focus.
  10. What was the production from our 1’s and 2’s tonight? I missed the first 11 minutes of the 2nd half. Because, Lawdy, I don’t recall seeing them put the ball through the orange metal circle much AT ALL.
  11. This very, very much. He’ll probably go for 20-10 in the payback game later on, but we needed him tonight and he just didn’t show up.
  12. Keys to winning at Bama: 1.) Don’t let Sears beat you. FAIL 2.) Run offense through Broome. PASS 3.) Don’t get down too far early. FAIL 4.) Get moderate guard production. FAIL 5.) Don’t get owned at the foul line. PASS 6.) Make critics FTs in crunch time. FAIL 7.) Run the Bamms off the 3 Line. FAIL Great comeback. Deserved to lose, but for a choked CBM free throw, we are tied with 12 seconds to go. Gonna smoke em at Auburn Arena. Don’t mind losing a game, bound to happen. HATE losing to those Oat Thugs.
  13. What a great game in the most hostile of environments. Regardless of this outcome, I look forward to grilling their collective nads in Auburn.
  14. What Grant Nelson is cultivating on his lip grows wild on my a$$.
  15. No need to rush a lot of these possessions. Need to settle down. Uncharacteristic turnovers.
  16. Yeah those epic LEDs really disguise the fact that they play in an army surplus hangar
  17. ****** can’t turn their Christmas lights off smh mod edit: DO NOT evade the profanity filter
  18. Hugh needs to bone up and cancel RW's visit if his inside intel says that, indeed, RW is firmly back on the turdwagon again. Of course, it would be publicly reported that RW's camp cancelled the trip to AU, but insiders would know (and report) better.
  19. At this point, yes, but of course it’ll all have to come out in the wash. He’s immediately going to make whatever team he plays for much, much better. His overall projection and the gravitas of his recruitment is more in line with Julio Jones, though his frame and skill set more closely align with Devonta Smith.
  20. The next in-state premium blue chip prospect that both Bama and Auburn want that chooses AU over Bama will be the first imo. Vincent Jackson excluded: I’m talking about in the modern era of recruiting services and fan paywall “insiders.” And while there have been good players who have chosen AU over UA, I’m talking elite difference-makers.
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