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AUld fAUx@

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Everything posted by AUld fAUx@

  1. Excellent! “Man, I’d rather have 10 years of super-hyper-most than live to be 70 by sitting in some ****** chair watching TV.” earlier, Big Brother stuff
  2. Wow Many Thanks. You educate me. That indignation is truly Righteous! ETA - Wow, again Lyrics derived from Guthrie senior? Again, many thanks.
  3. My last (here) for the day. Travel Carefully, Sleep well, Tomorrow is a New Day.
  4. Pretty Damn' Cool, but How the hell are they making the guitar necks (and strings) all wavy looking (or is that just me)?
  5. "WKRP, with more music and Les Nessman" [Venus Flytrap]
  6. I truly hope I'm not violating the intent of this thread. My last post reminded me that the birth name of Mr. Foxx was Sanford. These TV theme songs are my favorites (barely beating out "Beverly Hillbillies?")(and no, I don't have them in my album collection)
  7. I return to my comfort zone of "old" and "good": Cooking Pets and condiments
  8. Apparently, not really "new" nor (in any legal sense) "bad." I don't think the link leads to actual testimony, but I'm pretty sure Mr. Gates was an an influential expert witness in Crew's appeal of obscenity charges. http://www.english.upenn.edu/~jenglish/Courses/gates.htxx
  9. Aha! Brilliantly put. Makes me feel the same damn' way, and I don't love it. I think I understand now.
  10. Being admittedly ignorant of the genre, I woke up this am and gave’em a second try. Paid more attention to the lyrics this time. I’m afraid, again, that I’m just not going to acquire a taste for Pantera? The “anger” you reference seems thin on justifiable indignation and, to me, downright pathological. To stretch my conceit near to breaking, I wouldn’t tap my feet in their without hobnails. Educate me some more?
  11. All OK. My path has been different. ETA - and by way of (2nd thought) possibly needed explanation? Prefer to dig in my heels rather than my toes. Always have. I don't like even me when I'm angry. Don't mind me at all, however, in (lower case "l", not the party, libertarian) butt-headed, stubborn mode. And actually often don't even notice that I've stepped barefoot on broken glass 'til it snags in the carpet when I return home.
  12. Ouch All glass shards, metal fragments, and sharp edges. No place for us barefoot boys?
  13. A bridge? Continuing the NOLA theme (though modern chroniclers may consider these guys more as "snowbirds"), and also considered (by some old farts) "formative" (i.e. crude? not as sophisticated as presented above) metal.
  14. The beer thread discussion sidetracked me, and supplanted my planned offering for today. A one- (maybe one and a half?) hit wonder. As is my wont, I prefer the (second here) "B-side."
  15. Proof that I do listen to "new" music, albeit (in this case) recorded in an old-folks home with some familiar faces.
  16. I heard (not sure how reliable) that Sting didn't recognize the source of the tune 'til Mr. Knopfler pointed it out to him (at a party or something?)
  17. Evocative. Always considered the relative cultural insulation of such a narrow strip a geographical oddity. Many Thanks. (spelling edit)
  18. Elvis' "Love Me Tender Love Me Quick" was baldfaced theft of an old barbershop standard!
  19. Bathroom/snack-bar trips - The original Surround Sound
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