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AUld fAUx@

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Everything posted by AUld fAUx@

  1. Newer and studio A cover of (iconic?) material that some might deem "sacrilegious" to cover
  2. Our Debate Club booked this band to play at our HS Sadie Hawkins Dance. Then they won some national battle of bands and immediately broke up (performers poached into other bands, including Wet Willy, Flying Burrito Brothers, and Dr. Hook). Just found out Mrs. O'Leary's Cow did a reunion recently in Mobile, captured by youtube in 5 parts (one presented here):
  3. Should just stick with "It's a New Day" 'cause, well, It is
  4. My Mothers [sic] favorite. Caution to the unfamiliar - Lengthy, chaotic, full of outdated references, non sequiturs, and more than a few dirty words.
  5. Many Thanks Can't get there, but found a small sample (for those in my boat).
  6. !Excellent Get! I can only like once, but can (and did, this date) pre-order the CD (24 Feb release). As an aside, the reviewer's text opens a few old rabbit holes (to wit: “…subversive theatrics of Paul Robeson, the prophetic folk of Odetta and the psychological inquiries of Stephen Sondheim.”) into which some may wish to peek.
  7. Two faces of Mason Williams His poetry side would be OT here, but interested should Google Them Toad Suckers Them Moose Goosers, and Them Ewe Doers.
  8. You (shame on you?) dredge up another old-fart story, Be careful what you wish for. Used to chase touring bands westward across the Gulf Coast (never as far as Superdome) and, panhandle through MS, sound was (by far!) best at Mobile. Turns out, it was due to a very thick, blown-in layer of fireproofing plaster (of very high asbestos content) that literally "snowed" on us when bands with the really big amps (e.g., Zappa) came to town. Doesn't sound as good now. [RIP Traveling Wilburys]
  9. Albums are also good. Sometimes a sequence of cuts is good. Hope I haven't pushed into new enough that everybody's already got it on his/her shelf, but note that following (actually surprised to find it in postable form) includes a Feat song, Lowell George and the Meters as contributing performers, and a song well covered by your Phishing buddies. ETA - Though, yeah, I'll give the weak harmonies on Julia
  10. Has to be my last for the day (about to hit the road). Last time I saw Peter, Paul and Mary was outdoors at Chastain Park in Atlanta. Somebody way up in the stands was occasionally launching helium balloons with sparklers tied on, and one finally cleared the stage shell. Blinded by stage lights, Mr. Stukey commented that he'd never heard an audience applaud at where all the soldiers had gone.
  11. Sometimes the live screw-ups add (and this tale will turn more "rocky"). Took my sweetie to see Edgar Winter Group in Mobile. Preferred his brother's (Johnny) blues to Edgar's tech rock, but Johnny wasn't touring so far south. Poor announcer walked onstage and said that the warmup group had been caught in a snowstorm, and we'd have to make do with a new local band called Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show. Then before the headliners came on, he announced that Edgar's lead guitarist was at his mother's funeral, but they were able to get Rick Derringer to sit in.
  12. No arguments from me. Just that live performances rarely affected purchases. It generally worked the other way. Live is good. Went to the Mobile Municipal Auditorium to see Arlo Guthrie (Hobo's Lullaby tour). First time University (So. Ala.) had ever book a concert. Mr. Guthrie walked onstage, looked at this cavernous arena with the entire attending crowd partially filling the first two rows. He said (I think quote is accurate) "Folks don't mind if I sit down do you?" - Got a folding chair and played ~2-1/2 hrs.
  13. Most surprising to me (dragged kicking and screaming) was Flying Burrito Brothers/Poco/Willie Nelson (Redheaded Stranfer tour). When I saw Allman's, their warm up was a (then) local Mobile band (Wet Willie).
  14. Second thoughts as soon as I typed it. Thinking back, by the time I ponied up for a ticket I'd usually already bought/listened to what's available.
  15. An interesting thought arises. Aside to (OP) Mr. Brain - Mind if we weave a sub-thread in here, as to whom we've seen live? arena or small bar? how the experiences influenced what we've bought and/or listened to since? Don't think it should turn into any kind of contest (and not only since I don't get out much anymore, and I know I would lose any such), but might provide some backdrop on taste development?
  16. Speaking of which, Here's one I also consider a sacrilege. I have a Mobile buddy that actually growls uncontrollably. You need not keep listening. ETA - I warned you
  17. Damn' I knew better, but listened again anyway. 'Course, Illegal Smile is the only song I've ever heard from him that's even a little cheerful. Saw him open for John Hartford in the Saenger (Mobile, AL, back when). Only thing that kept Mr. Prine upright was a firm grip on his guitar, but performance was musically flawless.
  18. Used to tour (late 60s-early 70s), but I think mostly KY, TN regional. Album I've been sampling here is the one I'm most familiar with, but they had several. I was a little worried about starting w./ the Mercedes cover. There are some in my local circle that would consider any cover of that one a sacrilege.
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