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Posts posted by auburnphan

  1. D-line is a bit concerning and while we will have great improvement on the o-line, they still are all moving up a level to SEC talent.  I will be cautiously optimistic there.  Freeze has always seemed to fit his offense around his talent, unlike Gus.  He is good at hiding/covering weaknesses when it comes to game planning.

  2. 7 hours ago, Mikey said:

    Maybe Harsin said that, maybe not. It was passed around here as fact, to promote Harsin's tough guy image. Then he took Johnson and Robinson back after they entered the portal and that particular bit of bravado was proven to be false.

    no, it was pushed to try to create the image that he didn't care about or understand black athletes from the south.

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  3. 3 hours ago, metafour said:


    I find it very interesting that you have so much supposed inside information into the legitimacy or illegitimacy of workplace complaints, all the way down to who was or wasn't putting in effort at their job. Most of these administrative types are completely nameless and faceless, but alas, you know which ones are just there to collect big paychecks for being lazy? Would you like to show your work and tell us all how you know this?

    The sheer irony is astonishing. You are spreading your own rumors, in a literal post where you are talking about not spreading rumors.

    Your post might carry more weight if we didn't already have correlating reports out of Boise State that reported similar behavior while he was there. The Occam's Razer here if you are familiar to the "environment" that Boise State people talk about, is that Harsin was raised and empowered in a system where the HC of Boise State's football team was the God of the entire community. He was empowered to do as he pleased, and no one could question otherwise. It is very obvious that he came to Auburn with a misguided sense of superiority.

    Furthermore, why has there been a clear-cut shift in Bryan Harsin's interpersonal persona after this entire event took place? It literally looks like the kid who gets scolded for doing something he shouldn't, and then the very next day it's "mumsy dearest" as he cleans up his toys and makes his bed without anyone asking. If nothing was going on and it was just a case of lazy Auburn admin people not willing to do their jobs, why is Harsin behaving differently?

    over the years we tend to agree on most things.  My connections are few over the years between former players, coaches and some select alumni.  However, I have one person with complete knowledge  with what went down, could not be more directly involved with facts.  you have made up your mind off of numerous rumors and good for you, I will disagree with you across the board.  best of the day to you.

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  4. There were accusations of a hostile work environment.  What some administrative type people felt was hostile is normal business activity every where in the country.  Being expected to do your job to the best of your ability every day is not hostile.  Not saying good morning or happy birthday is not hostile.  What is hostile is creating rumors of an affair and spreading them to get a guy fired and harm his reputation.

    Some people were putting in more effort to get a man fired than they did at their actual job, which was the problem in the first place, but they loved getting paid big money for being lazy.

    Here was a classic rumor started.  Harsin barely met anyone at the Alabama High School Coaches dinner, Saban said hi to almost everyone.  Saban shook hands took pictures and got out the door.  Harsin was still there, he spent more time at the tables that he got to because he didn't want to come off as a an arrogant snob and going through the motions as this was the first chance to really get to meet any of them do to Covid restrictions.  Saban already knew everyone so he didn't have to do what Harsin did.  Heard this from several coaches in attendance.  So they took a small amount of truth and made it into a negative and blew it up on the internet by leaking to certain individuals, including ones on this site, was a reoccurring theme.   Harsin made mistakes, no doubt about it, but most of it being spoken as truth nowadays, shows you how well the disinformation hostile attacks on him were effective.  As some say if you repeat a lie enough people will start believing them.

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  5. 10 hours ago, Mikey said:

    The players are getting a roughly $80,000 a year scholarship, complete with tutorial help and other fringe benefits. Architects and building contractors are making money, as I noted above. No individual is getting rich from the TV money. The bulk of coaching salaries comes from donors.

    Exactly, the TV deals have resulted in a facilities/support staff race that benefits the athlete greatly.

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  6. 10 hours ago, AU9377 said:

    How did Tubs grow and adapt?  He went through coordinators like Gus did Double Bubble.  Harsin is the only one of the bunch that was a fish out of water when he got here.  That wouldn't be too much to overcome for most people, but Harsin approached the job with what came across to most as a lot of hostility.  He has made a conscious effort to change that impression.  It will be best for everyone if he is able to do that and find some success on the field.  We will see.

    Tubs, really didn't.  He used his Ole Miss blueprint but recruiting got easier because of Auburn.  

    Harsin's mistake was focusing 100% on the team and the culture and not taking the time to kiss butt with people in the AD and the boosters.  The country club setting Gus ran ended and employees didn't like it and got their feelings hurt.

    He should have mad every person within the football offices re-apply for their job.  Take away some of their entitlement they felt they had.

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  7. 13 hours ago, Rednilla said:

    I wouldn't say we're a top 10 program, but I can see a pretty strong argument for top 15. We're still 13th on the all time wins list, we won a national championship eleven seasons ago and played for another within the last decade, plus another undefeated season since the turn of the century.

    Either way we are a top 20 program but not a great head coaching job.....that was the point that we are getting away from.

  8. 3 hours ago, Carnell said:

    Dude do you not understand chasing after winners and saying things like he a nfl lifer and he is not coming to to college and then having low standards as malzahn and harsins because they will come to Auburn.

    People told Stanford and Bama that Walsh and Saben would also not come.  

    Here is the thing with Auburn Football.  It is a top ten program and a mid to bottom tier job.   Decades of meddling and incompetence by boosters have agents pushing their clients away from the job. 

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  9. NIL is used and organized by the athletic department through channels.  Rich slow balled Auburn in getting organized do to the NCAA investigation and didn't want to cause any unnecessary problems with finalizing the investigation..  he was never against it, he had concerns on how it would affect coaching and developing players, just like most coaches have publicly stated.  People twisted those words to fit their narrative 

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  10. 8 hours ago, abw0004 said:

    NIL-Auburn, LLC soon to be Friends of Auburn, LLC.  I say the Department because they essentially work with the Athletic Department.  Just an LLC to shield the university from risk if anything goes South, and follow the "rules" the NCAA put forth.  I put quotation marks on that because I think the rules are way too fluid as they will change.  Texas A&M is almost ensuring the rules will change again.

    yes, the NIL should be working with the Athletic Department and their representatives. Coaches should not have to waste their time doing what the University needs to provide.

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