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Posts posted by auburnphan

  1. 5 minutes ago, cole256 said:

    No it's not that either. You on the outside saying that is no different than me just making up something and saying something negative about you. 

    Nobody can be mad or judge someone for not wanting to play for a coach. Way back when It's said that Ernie Davis grandfather asked his coach about how can he connect with his grand son. If his reply would have been I won't try. 

    Ernie Davis wouldn't have been less tough, committed or any of that. In a market where you can find coaches who actually care about you there's nothing wrong for wanting that. That's literally what this school has been selling forever. This site is literally named from it. If you don't want to be that, that's fine, but I don't have to be part of your new vision

    that is fine, we are talking about two different things here. you are strictly talking about players that chose to leave

  2. 16 minutes ago, cole256 said:

    I'm telling you it's the movies. In fact you actually very rarely even find a guy who has problem with being coached. If there is ever a problem it's just about respect. You don't hear stories about coach k or Bruce Pearl....they do plenty of yelling, it's that there's no question to the players that he has my best interest in mind as well as his own and he doesn't disrespect me.

    Guys know you have to work hard

    OK, soft is probably not the right word in most of these instances, commitment and effort is the issue.  

  3. 2 hours ago, McLoofus said:

    It would be a fun experiment for Auburn fans to just let it go for a day or two and then see if this really is a big deal outside of Lee County or if it's just a typical big dumb Auburn soap opera that is only kept alive... by Auburn fans.

    I'm sure somebody wants to say, "But negative recruiting" to which I ask in response, "Um, does anyone think our rival coaches didn't already have more material than they could possibly use?"

    It might be big news in SEC country but not elsewhere.  I wonder what percentages on Auburn fans and Rival fans keeping it alive are too.  Guess would be 3/5 auBurn, 2/5 rivals.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

    When people dislike someone that they work for, they won't protect them.  This isn't hard.  What would you propose?  Demanding to see a booster's private cell phone?  I don't see that happening.

    What we had best do is to show appreciation for people that make it possible for Auburn to have nice things.  The alternative is to not have nice things and have no NIL presence.  That will make our football program look more like Mrs. State and Vandy and less like uga and bama.

    Come on, the most oBvious thIng you can’t do is ask for a boosters cell phone, for a zillion reasons.   However, using university property and time to sabotage the University is of great concern.  The University was damaged and so were several employees by actions from others.  If those were by university employees, the proper action needs to be taking place.  We all know that the Athletic Department was the source of information leaks, it would only be proper to figure out exactly what and who is involved.  

    • Like 1
  5. 42 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

    I don’t doubt his drive either I just think he has a huge lack of self awareness and frankly, just makes some dumb mistakes. The junior day scheduling? Losing out on an OL recruit because he wouldn’t return Friend’s call?

    No excuse for those things. Those aren’t philosophical or strategic errors. That’s just stupidity. I don’t see how that changes.

    Junior Day debacle, no excuse for.  Friend thing, is unbelievable as that story had too many holes and lacked basic logic at too many levels.  Also came out during misinformation period of lies.  

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  6. 1 minute ago, McLoofus said:

    It's not true that he's reluctant, or it's not true that he only recently started reaching out to them?

    That he is reluctant.  
    has he made mistakes in the recruiting game, yes.  Are they fixable, yes every single one of them.  Now if he repeated a mistake then I would be more concerned.  Some mistakes were/are self inflicted.  Others, not so much, a dysfunctional Athletic Department can cause missteps.  Sadly, there are some that want him to fail.  
    will he be at these coaching conventions this year and next yes.  If he wins a national championship will he be hitting up the top recruits in the country within 48 hours or sooner, hell yes, every gosh dang coach is gonna use that to their advantage.  Most coaches do change and adapt because their drive to win is what makes them.  I don’t question Harsin’s drive to win.  

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Chaotic_zx said:

    Maybe I am just tired but I didn't understand it either and it was directed at me. I watched his WR corps drop a lot of passes. Nothing ever progressed. Game after game. Sure he could walk into a room filled with the best recruiters and have a chance but it didn't matter. Then when Malzahn didn't promote him to the position he thought he deserved, he didn't take it well. It was always about DC to DC.


    So no. I am great without him being at Auburn ever again as a coach. As a past player he should be around the program in that capacity if he wants to be. Just not as a coach. 

    my apologies, lol. I started typing and then deleted a bunch and ended up with gibberish!!  lol

    Getting that Co-OC title meant everything to DC, unfortunately it meant nothing to Gus.  He went in with a bunch of ideas and thoughts and was ignored.  Gus was gonna Gus and e all know that now.  Everyone jumped on DC for calling out Gus the genius.  It should have been a warning sign for all of us.  I stood with DC then and  took a beating.  I called out the hiring of an unqualified Kodi Burns to the same salary and job description showed flaws in Gus.  As far as receivers dropping balls when he  was coach that was something that happened for Gus' entire tenure as coach.  This was because of his terrible practice and training plan.    I have pointed that out from day one.

    Remember when everyone in college football thought that Gus was a genius and coaches from all over the country would come to watch practices that one year, nobody ever did after that year.  He was exposed.

    • Like 3
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  8. 12 hours ago, abw0004 said:

    Just from a coach’s standpoint, do you think Corn was that bad?  I really have no idea, where you might be able to help provide insight to me

    I don’t know that one way or the other but I noticed he hasn’t been hired yet, that I could find.  Not sure if that is his choice or not.

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 2/11/2022 at 1:34 PM, creed said:

    Fact versus fiction. Where did this CBH start and what was the facts? Does anyone have a timeline?

    Mikey told tHe staff that O-line numbers were great so don’t recruit any and the ball start rolling!!!   😂😂😂😂😂

  10. 2 minutes ago, oracle79 said:

    Not the first time on this board I've seen Etheridge's name about leaving, but the first time I've seen Caddy's. Any legit source for this, or just the normal donor insiders furthering dissension and chaos on the team?

    Etheridge is staying and it is rumored that Caddy has a NFL offer or two, but not likely that he would take it. he loves what he is doing now.

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  11. 7 minutes ago, wcware said:

    I have figured out the appropriate answer to 99.9% of all questions that anyone, including myself, has regarding what just happened in Auburn….. I don’t have a f$&@ing clue.

    now this is something we should all be able to agree on!!!

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  12. 2 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

    So the comment was when he was trying to hire his 3rd OC?  After trying to hire 2, actually hiring 1, he had no idea what his budget for an OC was?

    That still doesn't make sense.

    It absolutely does.  Parameters change quite often, especially when the AD is a lame duck.  I mean between buyouts and savings where is the new total at for staff for the 2022 season.

    • Facepalm 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

    Why do we take this as fact?  It doesn't make sense to me.

    He tried to pretty much immediately hire the ASU guy, and compliance shot that down after 2 weeks.  Then in the next week or so Austin Davis was hired.

    It doesn't match up to me.  

    That comment was not referring to either of those hires, obviously.

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