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Everything posted by JBiGGiE

  1. South Carolina 2020 was the game I was referring to lol
  2. So if we were trailing while all this was being done in dark alleys, how does Auburn benefit now that it's out in the open? This is now an arms race and those currently rich are poised to get richer. I do think you're onto to something, and you ask the right question - how long? Because while that could be lucrative and beneficial in future recruitment, how much further ahead will Bama, Georgia, Clemson, Ohio State, Oregon, etc. be because the brand power of their name alone?
  3. Yup, gotta have balance. Otherwise you end up with players showing up to practice when they feel like it. Or dancing on the sidelines when you're losing to the worst team in the East division...
  4. And what stops UAT and tOSU, Texas, Miami etc from just buying up 20 something 5-star walk-ons because of that "brand power"? Programs like us will not benefit from this. Auburn has never had the championship or bust mentality like that of the toothless masses in West Vance or Athens, GA.
  5. I understand that concept of playing for a school because of the school has been long gone, but now with NIL in place even the facade is gone. For that matter, we even accepted that most programs are just stepping stones to the NFL. But now where's the incentive for going pro? You could stay a college super star making millions or move up to the NFL and be making league minimum. That's the future of college football. That thin veil of amateurism is what kept this version of the sport unique. Where's the parity. There are no salary caps, no drafts, no trades - no incentive to foster competition. If you actually like the direction this is going then I hope you enjoy watching Alabama, Clemson, Ohio State and Notre Dame in the playoffs every year. Tell me how I'm wrong...
  6. Nothing screams Pacific Athletic Conference like that Texas Tech/Texas Christian matchup! 😅
  7. Well this is going exactly how I assumed it would...
  8. Pretty sure he signed meaning we lose that scholly 😕
  9. I hope he turns out to be a bust for this reason alone.
  10. You're playing with weapons grade plutonium there! 😅
  11. Invested in Gamestop/AMC/Dogecoin? 😅
  12. Yes! Let's steal a Georgia legacy! 😈
  13. Not losing games that we shouldn't have lost will be the first litmus test. Another welcome departure from the Gus tenure will be if we look like we have an actual plan against our rivals and/or at least show the flexibility to adjust when the game shifts.
  14. I mean, Dematrius Davis was only breaking Kyler Murray's high school records and winning Texas state championships. If Harsin can't find a winning formula with DD, then maybe we have the wrong guy 🤷🏻‍♂️
  15. Looks like we got us a Bo Nix vs Joey Gatewood Part II TJ Finley party tomorrow. I was almost afraid I'd have nothing to talk about this summer...
  16. Which means he's either coming to Auburn or he's not.
  17. A shame we only closed on 2 O-Linemen in this class and no incoming transfers. Can't move forward until the fix that line.
  18. Asleep because he'd been smoking the devil's lettuce all day and probably had to get back home before supper. I'm fairly libertarian on the issue of marijuana use but driving while impaired is non negotiable. And kid or not, to have gotten a reckless driving citation while on probation should have voided any youthful offender claim he would have had.
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