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Everything posted by JBiGGiE

  1. Let the wailing and gnashing of teeth commence! πŸ˜…
  2. I will pay for him myself if I have to, but we NEED OT Bubba Jeffries on an Auburn roster!
  3. Game. Oh well, see you in the playoffs Ohio State...
  4. After Bill Clark's antics during our coaching search, I hope UAB does poorly for the remainder of his tenure...
  5. Julio Jones made Greg McElroy look like a franchise quarter back. Amari Cooper made AJ McCarron look like a franchise quarter back. Devonta Smith, Henry Ruggs, and Jerry Jeudy would make any quarterback look like a franchise quarter back. Sorry if I'm not drinking the Mac Jones koolaid because he's looked good against some NFL third-stringers...
  6. Boy... and we thought we had it bad because we knew Gus had no backup plan. But you can't say the quiet part out loud for Pete's sake! Also, talk about famous last words. Very much like the "solid season" comment.
  7. I'm happy for Troxell finally being healthy enough to win the tackle spot. Poor guy's knees seemed like they were made of pudding...
  8. Do I think Gus squandered several championship caliber teams? Sure, but some folks on here act like Gus stole their girl, kicked their dog, and pissed in their Cheerios on his way out the door.
  9. I sure am glad we moved away from those PPV games! What a nightmare! πŸ™„
  10. Here's what we do. We aquire the the rest of the Big 12 and we just operate in two main groups. The Old Big 12 vs the Old SEC. We would have to then pod it out but I think it could work. In no particular grouping: 1) Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, TCU, Baylor, LSU. 2) Kansas, K State, Oklahoma, OSU, Missouri, Arkansas. 3) Ole Miss, Miss St, Auburn, Alabama, Georgia, Florida. 4) Tennessee, Vandy, South Carolina, Kentucky, Iowa St, West Virginia. 5 division games + 3 rotation Al cross division games + 1 permanent cross division rival = 9 conference games. And since the Alliance won't be scheduling us OOC anyway, we can keep it all in house. Maybe go to an 11 game schedule since pods would require some sort of play off structure.
  11. Nebraska is trying to comeback but they are burning clock
  12. Nebraska is looking like hot garbage... This is why you don't hire flash-in-the-pan G5 coaches like Scott Frost or Tom Herman or Justin Fuente to turn a program around when they've hardly proven they can build or at least maintain success.
  13. I genuinely believe he is either lying or skirting around ethical lines. I believe the former. For one, it's good media optics and at this point in time, Nick Saban has 0% reason to fear any kind of SEC or NCAA probing on the subject, much less any kind of repercussion if he found out. The second scenario is possible. After all, we're talking about a semi-professional team jacked on deer antler. It would not surprise me if the team was coerced/presured into taking the vaccine. However, provided the legal ramifications of such action I would have to imagine Saban is wise enough to not risk his legacy being tarnished by scandal... Just my take
  14. This. Replace "vaccine" with any other medical procedure/treatment and you have a recipe for a liability nightmare. Imagine one of female-sports coaches forcing our female athletes to take birth control for instance. You would have every alphabet organization come down upon you with the fury of a thousand winds...
  15. So does that confirm Clemson, Georgia Tech, Florida State, and Louisville to the SEC? Because I'm almost certain at least two of those schools have a state law requiring they play one another. Inter-conference COVID protocols are one thing, but petty alignment squabbles are another.
  16. Here's a question. What's stopping a coach from just lying about a 100% vaccination rate? Does the NCAA send its Gestapo to verify everyone's papers? No, its all theatre whether its true or not... And besides, the vaccine is a voluntary, personal medical decision and our players are all adults. The firestorm that would come down on the administration if it were to come out that a coach or administrator coerced a player into taking a treatment they were not comfortable receiving would be devastating. Or worse if a player suffers an adverse effect or dies as result because they didn't want to lose their scholarship or place on the team? It's a liability nightmare. So maybe let's just drop the issue?
  17. I like to think of it as stealing a Boise State legacy πŸ˜…
  18. To be fair, sounds like Coach Corn is the one who has developed the relationship. That said, I have full confidence that recruiting will pick up once we field a product to sell. Right now the only thing we have to go on is "Trust me, bro".
  19. MMW: β€’ Tank will finish Top-10 in Heisman voting β€’ Our run game will be the best in the SEC this year β€’ JJ "Mississippi Pegasus" Pegues will make 2nd-Team All SEC
  20. You mis-titled the Mark My Words thread...
  21. I have a feeling Hardin might be like our Urban Meyer... Hopefully with significantly less assistant coach scandals πŸ™Š
  22. Shame. I had high hopes for Gatewood and he showed a ton of potential. But man... unless somehow Mark Stoops is equally as bad as Gus when it come to evaluating and/or developing talent, then perhaps there are some folks who owe Mr. Malzahn an apology πŸ™„
  23. As long as they're pretty and have a large Instagram following, they're gonna be just fine...
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