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Everything posted by selias

  1. That sounds tasty and potent
  2. Yeah, I'll have a beer occasionally but anymore I just end up with heartburn later. Gimme the hard liquor these days
  3. A HS fight and reefer madness. Alrighty there, Kojak
  4. [1] I keep the 3 simple syrups on hand in squeeze bottles in the fridge. SS keeps for a long time when refrigerated. [2] Yes lol (depends on my mood at the time)
  5. Exactly. I'm not much of a beer guy anymore so an ice cold mint iced tea after yard work hits the spot...then I can move on to adult beverages lol
  6. Honestly, yeah, when you say he flamed out it sounds like it was some over the top thing. When reality doesn't bear that out
  7. Thanks. Simple syrup is a blank canvas. I generally have mint, orange, and plain on hand. Mint is great for mojitos in the summer or a light splash in some tea
  8. Moss never played a down at ND so, saying he flamed out is more than just a stretch
  9. Genius? More laziness lol. I can pick out the orange peel and then store the orange syrup in a squeeze bottle in the fridge. Since I make the orange syrup and my maraschino cherries, I stick with the old reliable angostura bitters.
  10. There are other bitters to use in an Old Fashioned beyond Angostura? I do cheat with the orange peel though. I make simple syrup and then steep orange peel in the hot syrup for later storage in the fridge. So much easier.
  11. You're not wrong but, it could also just be the fact you're in Italy.
  12. Not yet. 1.5hrs until it's Old Fashioned time
  13. But now I really want Waffle House. I feel like I should be drinking first
  14. They have medication for that....Whiskey d...or something along those lines
  15. That first post is aging well
  16. Hey, if we're looking for 3* OL in the 2023 class, I know a kid (from a great family)... 6'5" 280ish
  17. If you really think it was the PTB/GOB that ordained BN as the next QB1 when he set foot on campus, then you haven't paid attention to both the announcement and timing of his leaving .
  18. The first 2 lines said everything I needed to know about the rest of the post.
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