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Everything posted by Potatooooooes!!

  1. As long as I’ve been on this board I’ve not seen anyone else bring up a person’s health when deciding if we should hire him. I think the closest was people were draggin Sark through the mud because he used to drink. A person’s health should never be the top reason for a coach. It shouldn’t be even top five. Can he recruit? Can he run a program? Can he hire good assistants? Is he a leader? Do players like him? What his philosophy? Can he make adjustments to it? Then ask another ten questions. Then somewhere after that you can ask about blood clots.
  2. Funny you say that… Welcome to the Deion fan club
  3. I never said he couldn't build a staff I said there is nothing in Deion background that he will build that kind of staff at Auburn. There is something in his background. He has built a great staff at JSU. If he could do it there, he can DEFINITELY build it at Auburn, and probably even a better staff. You people want Deion so bad that you envision that he will build a staff with out any indication he will. Again, see the above. Research his staff at JSU. That is really risking auburn's future. It was just like when Gus was hired you people envisioned his high powered offenses at Auburn based on nothing except he did that at lesser institutions such as Arkansas state. He did have a high powered offense when he came here. You don’t remember 2013 and 2014? The only thing that slowed him down was his inability to change. Furthermore, why have the weak link at HC. If you knew ANYTHING about Deion, you would know he is opposite of a weak link. You don’t do what he’s done at JSU by being a weak link. You do it by being a true leader. If he could assemble such a high powered staff why wouldn't auburn go out hire a coach like the ones Deion would hire cutting the weak link. I don’t really even know what you’re trying to say here. Why would anyone worth hiring agree to be on his staff if he’s such a weak link? Why would we hire someone that Deion wanted on his staff when he’s a weak link? And why wouldn’t you want the man that got the coaches to buy into his vision there here? You want to cut him out and go for an assistant? Deion is not well respected he is liked. RESPECT IS earned over years. He’s definitely well-respected Eric Bienemy and other such coaches has earned respect after long years of service but deion has not. He was respected as a player but has not earned respect as a coach. Because of what he has done for JSU and HBCUs in generally, he is HIGHLY respected as a coach.
  4. I have yet to see anyone against Deion make a logical, compelling case to pass on him. So far it’s been incoherent, illogical dribble like this. I can count on one hand the number of coaches in America that you could say have no cons to hiring them. Practically everyone has cons. The idea is, do their pros far outweigh their cons? If so, you hire them. Deion is such an example
  5. Literally almost every sentence you just typed is wrong
  6. And no head coaching experience. Deion does. What is your point exactly?
  7. I hope so. Wonder if we could do a social media campaign like Stop the Steele but instead Pick Primetime.
  8. That may be true, and if you know more please share, but my point still stands.
  9. A chance on a coach with a really good record as a head coach. Hiring coaches is a gamble. Just ask Texas.
  10. I agree. I have actually shifted my top two to Deion and Grimes
  11. That’s what I heard too, but that’s my point. Why someone didn’t get hired just isn’t good criteria for judging whether we should hire him. There are too many things to consider and too many unknowns. Kirby is also a prime example (pun intended. Hold your applause) of what can happen when you take a chance on someone too
  12. Which is fine. He can shout sitting down. This is not directed at you, but as @cole256pointed out, some people are desperate for reasons to pass on Deion.
  13. If I had to hazard a guess, it would be familiarity with Pittman (since he coached at Arkansas) and lack of collegiate coaching for Deion at the time. Pitman had never been a head coach either though, and I don’t think anyone looked at that hire and thought, “Oh yeah. That makes sense. He has all that coaching experience and all.” I’m willing to bet familiarity and SEC ties were what did it for him. Which is fine, but that has nothing to do with Deion today. If they were willing to hire an offensive line coach as their head coach, then I’m willing to bet they would give Deion the hire over him if they were hiring today (unless they just really wanted an Arkansas man). You say you don’t think he can get us to the level we should be at this time, but that is Deion’s main selling point. He would get us there in a hurry. Who else do you see with the charisma, pull, and personality that he has? Cause that’s what you’re going to need. But again, why Arkansas didn’t hire him is irrelevant today. I mean, you could ask the same thing of Auburn: if Kirby Smart is such a good coach, why didn’t we hire him?
  14. When you say switch based on your opinion, do you mean based on personal preference or what you’re hearing?
  15. Deion is definitely my preference, but I would be happy with Grimes.
  16. Which is fine, but that was then, and that was Arkansas. If coaching and experience was the only hang up, he’s proven he can do that now. I understand being concerned initially about coaching experience. Nobody in their right mind would want someone with little to no experience, especially when that is all that most guys have going for them. But not only does he have that now, his pros far out weigh his cons at this point. The guy they ended up hiring had never been a head coach either. In fact, I imagine the only reason he got the job was he had previously coached at Arkansas too. Yet the same people that are crappin on Deion would be perfectly fine with Grimes.
  17. That was two-three years ago, bro. They clearly liked him unless you think the AD is lying. Why don’t you mention who they went with? Oh yeah, an unproven offensive line coach! And no, it’s not the fact that he’s signed a five star recruit at JSU (even though that is absolutely monumental and shows how good of a recruiter and leader he is), it’s the overall package. “Why didn’t Arkansas hire him?” is a stupid reason to be against the guy. What are your actual hang ups?
  18. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Well done.
  19. Do you not like what you have seen Deion do at JSU, or is that not proven enough for you? Besides, do you know how many “proven” coaches turn out to be failures? Harsin proved himself pretty well at Boise, and look how that turned out. Dan Mullen proved himself pretty well at State, and now he’s an analyst on tv. I could go on and on. Hiring coaches is not science; it’s ALWAYS a gamble. What’s dumb is passing on a coach just because he doesn’t fit one vague metric of yours.
  20. The whole article is worth a read, but this is what stands out for us Auburn fans: “So the issue remains about whether Sanders wants to be the possible king of HBCU football or set his sights higher. And for anyone who has doubts about whether there is substance behind the Prime, consider what Arkansas athletic director Hunter Yurachek told Dennis Dodd of cbssports.com after giving Sanders two interviews before hiring Sam Pittman. “What impressed me about Deion the most and made me go back the second time was he was prepared,” Yurachek told Dodd. “There was an attention to detail. He knew things about our team, knew things about potential recruits and guys we were recruiting at the time. He had a game plan for moving forward.” For those that aren’t sure about this guy, I’m telling you, he’s the one we need. https://www.yahoo.com/news/deion-sanders-jsu-cruising-another-020940294.html
  21. This is the first time I have felt this feeling this season at least. It feels good. It feels like pride…even if we lose.
  22. I’m confused by this game. We’re actually doing well after two turnovers….
  23. I can’t believe we finally got one! Thank you Jesus!
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