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AU Is Gold

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About AU Is Gold

  • Birthday 10/01/1986

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  1. I deserve to have my account deactivated.
  2. Normally I don't get ahead of myself, but Auburn will win by 16+ and will be dominant the entire game.
  3. At least everyone agrees it makes zero sense.
  4. This doesn't even make sense. Even if the conference tournament doesn't affect seeding we were 6 in net. Kentucky is 19.
  5. @Viperyou were right. I'm an absolute idiot and so is this dumb ass committee. 5 in net and win the sec tourney only to be rewarded as the 16th best team.
  6. @ViperI'll be contacting you here soon. Keep in touch good sir. War eagle!
  7. If Auburn wins these next two it will be a guaranteed 3 seed. I will not be forgetting about you too @Viper
  8. I'm talking about the teams in the SEC tournament that Auburn would play. So, yes our competition would be harder. The potential teams are South Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky/Alabama. All quad 1 games. We played Missouri, South Carolina, Florida, and Tennessee that year. If we win the tournament I expect you back here to explain how completely misunderstood you were.
  9. I would throw $10 on Arkansas for $1000
  10. You keep repeating the same thing over and over when the situations are completely different. There is tougher competition in this tournament and our current NET ranking is much higher compared to the 2018-2019 year.
  11. Yeah we were also 18 in the NET and the quality of opponents were weaker in that sec tournament. The potential of beating South Carolina/Florida, Alabama/Kentucky, and Tennessee would put us at a 3 seed.
  12. They would reward a team for beating Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky in a row.
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