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About ArgoEagle

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    College Football, church, golf
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    Walker Co., AL
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  1. Did you see the part about dismissing him immediately? Some of you guys just leave me scratching my bald head.
  2. Yes sir! I remember when he trucked #15 for the Turds at the goal line a few years back. That was AWESOME!!!!!!
  3. You made several good points here. Being a deacon at my church I can tell you that if our Pastor was caught doing immoral acts towards children, there would be an immediate convening of all the deacons & he would be asked to leave our church (immediately) & not ever come back. We would at that point let God deal with him from that point forward. Unfortunately, I'm quite sure there have been many cases where the leaders of a particular church have chosen to sweep something like this under the rug & the children of that church, their parents, and the church as a whole have paid the price for it. And unfortunately people equate all churches with the action of 1 bad apple that gets exposed.
  4. [a] The Israeli government has reported the deaths of 1,195 people stemming from the assault on October 7, including the later deaths of hostages in Gaza.Jul 17, 2024 The attacks began early on 7 October with a barrage of at least 3,000 rockets launched against Israel and vehicle-transported and powered paraglider incursions into Israel Brother Salty, The fact of the matter is that Gaza & Hamas started this war. Do I want to see 1 more person killed in this war---No, but I have absolutely no control of that. My point is we're putting too much blame on the original victims (Israel), and not enough on the people who started it in the first place. My advice to Hamas would be to adopt this motto going forward: Don't start none, won't be none. 2
  5. That's not what I said. Please re-read my post. It was pretty much in 2 parts.
  6. Yes to this. You can't take 1 example of a wolf in sheep's clothing within a church, that fooled a whole church full of legitimate called church leaders into thinking he was a legit man of God that was called to teach young people & turned out to be a despicable piece of trash & lump him in with all of, or a group of churches. I guarantee you that the youth director at my church would never commit a horrendous act like this. And I know he is not the only one; I know there are more posers out there in churches pretending to be good, when they are evil at heart. That's up to the leaders of the church to discern & to weed these phonies out! That does not however, diminish the sinfulness of Gay Pride Month.
  7. Not necessarily. Yes Jesus did teach to love our neighbors. BUT, Jesus reacted in anger when the auction was going on in the Temple; he turned over tables & ran the people responsible out of there, and was not nice about it. Jesus called the Pharisees a brood of vipers Jesus called out the woman at the well for having had 5 husbands, and for living with her current man (whom she wasn't married to), and sternly corrected her. So if some of you want to go on this Jesus was nice to everyone angle; there's 3 instances when he wasn't. to eat and drink, and find enjoyment in all their hard work on earth during the few days of their life that God has given them, for this is their reward. 19 To every man whom God has given wealth and possessions, he has also given him the ability to eat from them, to receive his reward, and to find enjoyment in his toil; these things[h] are the gift of God. The above verses in Ecclesiastes apply to a man being able to enjoy the fruits of his labor; such as land, his home, and his possessions. I also believe that within these verses that God gives us the right to defend the fruits of our labor, as does our government give that right. 2
  8. Brother Salty. I cannot say with all certainty that should be or is the case. Again, that is not my decision. My point yesterday was that it has happened before, and could be happening now. I believe in accountability. Every people were warned not to curse Israel or they would be cursed. These people are taught to hate, hate, hate Israel and the United States from childhood, so that's what they grow up knowing and the attack on Israel in October & the burning of the U.S. Flags is evidence, and confirmation of that to me. So my common sense tells me that if you don't completely wipe these people out, like God did to the Amalekites, these people are going to get bolder & bolder with their attacks & these attacks will last until Jesus' return. I can tell you one thing for sure Brother Salty. If they ever come in my yard and mess with my property or family they will be picking buckshot out of their butts for a while.
  9. That's pretty vague. Could you expound on that please?
  10. That's not where I was going. The trigger for The Beginning of The Last Days has not been pulled. That will be when the 7 nations identified in Ezekiel all have a concerted simultaneous attack on Israel. That hasn't happened. Then, the last days will begin. Also, once that trigger goes off nobody knows how long it will be til Jesus' Return. I was merely referring to prophecy being fulfilled.
  11. No I don't. The Bible says in the last days people will turn away from the truth of Gods' Word & have itching ears seeking what they would like to hear. This is also prophecy coming to fruition.
  12. I've made my beliefs plain before in another thread & don't want to get into it again. Short answer: I believe God gives us The Holy Spirit to help differentiate what is still relevant in The Old Testament (commandments & prophecies) & what is not (customs & rituals). If you don't agree with that then I guess we just disagree. No hard feelings at all.
  13. 15 Samuel also said unto Saul, The Lord sent me to anoint thee to be king over his people, over Israel: now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of the words of the Lord. 2 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt. 3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. Always remember brother; when any group of people decide to attack God's chosen people (Israel), they also attack God Almighty himself. They run the risk of incurring God's Wrath upon themselves. God chose to spare some of Israel's enemies throughout the Bible, but others he chose to take completely out. God destroyed Sodom & Gamorrah with fire & brimstone. Wiped out every living thing including the grass for wickedness. God took Lot's wife's life for disobedience. God killed Ananias & his wife for "lying to the Holy Spirit" about their money gained for selling their land. He does what He needs to do to accomplish His Will. I don't question His decisions & judgements; I just accept them.
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