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Everything posted by boisnumber1

  1. Folks we have a BONAFIDE moron as a head coach. I have never seen anything this pathetically stupid in all my years of watching football. Im talking total idiot here.
  2. Supposed to have. Lane Kiffin is 1000x the offensive coach Gus is. As much as I cant stand the guy, its very obvious.
  3. OL is beyond bad right now. Herb Hand...bad first impression.
  4. We still have no punter. If your O is this bad you at least need to be able to boom it.
  5. So far refs are TOTALLY BLIND to Clemson penalties. Can tell they assumed before the game that Clemson would have its way offensively.
  6. If JJ is the QB, Im fine with it. Just whoever can win games. But why name someone else the QB and then pull off whatever this crap is here that he is doing? Seems like he went out of his way to spit in the face of one of his players. Truly one of the strangest season beginnings Ive ever seen. Wth? Definitely not the way someone who knows what they are doing would handle things. Jmo
  7. Offensive gameplan looks total bush league to this point.
  8. My memory could be wrong but it seems like 1st down yardage kept us in a hole a lot.
  9. Hmmm....sounds like this is going nowhere fast to me (no HUNH pun intended). Just more evidence that we do not have a coach on staff who can evaluate or coach up QBs. Either the QB has got "it" when he shows up, or he will never have it after he gets here. He sure isn't going to get anything from our "OC/QB Coach". Lashlee is a great guy, but an absolute waste of a salary. He brings nothing to the table whatsoever except what Malzahn already knows. Just makes no sense to me how he is still on staff. Anyway, I vented. Low expectations for the O; D will be pretty good imo.
  10. This is what you want. You have no idea what the coaches want and to claim you do is nothing short of ridiculous. Your bias is so deep, you sound like JF3's mom more times than not.
  11. Sounds like he is now taking a medical redshirt and out.
  12. Looking like #10 James is going to be a very good pickup. He looked good in ADay, and looks like he has good feet in the drills.
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