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Everything posted by boisnumber1

  1. Funny to me that you've seen the QB play under Gus the last several years, and you still think the problem is the player.
  2. We cant afford to get it an obvious passing situation. It is like 0.3 secs to the QB.
  3. There has been no rhythm in the passing game yet this season.
  4. We've thrown it 6 times. Have run for about 200 yds.
  5. We might as well accept the season is going to be this way. Totally unpredictable. Every week - who knows. It is like scrimmages, more or less. Nothing more.
  6. There are AU fans who don't close their eyes when we are on O?
  7. Unable to watch right now. Sounds like a good thing.
  8. My son's band, The Sideliners, has a couple new originals. Do them a favor and stream/favorite/download. They are on all the major platforms: Temporary Intentions
  9. Sucks we lost this guy, but to UNC...he can go be a star on a suck-ass team for 3 years and go pro. I'm sorry, but if this kid is the big AU fan he claims to be, ain't no damn way he goes and plays for UNC with a little negative recruiting. I guess some get up in arms over stuff like this, but I just say screw you and the horse your rode in here on, cruit. Bye Felicia. Enjoy your wussy, irrelevant new team 😆
  10. I dont think so, but he's playing at Opelika.
  11. Couldnt get basketball recruits to IU but he can to thuga? That's not suspicious at all.
  12. I grew up in Mobile also. Those were good times. My older sisters went to elementary and maybe middle school with Scott and his older sister Edie I think was her name.
  13. Seems to be a wedge between DC and everyone not named Jimbo Fisher, tbh. DC was one of my favorite players, but not high on my list of coaches at all. Definitely born 20 years early as far as how he played the game.
  14. The number of 6 4 guys that pan out at WR are few and far between. There are few to start with, and then even fewer who are good enough to not be moved to TE. Every now and then you hit the jackpot with a guy that size, but usually he's gonna get moved or not be that good. The few exceptions are usually stars because they are the freaks. The average height of an NFL receiver is under 6 1.
  15. Faking this on the 1st play would be nice.
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