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Posts posted by CAReeves2010

  1. 4 minutes ago, Systems said:

    We don't know what Harsin preaches. We know what he says in pressers. His players, this team, does not exude any of the high-character traits we're used to seeing from Auburn men / players / teams. This year's football team does not embody the Auburn Creed. 

    Questioning the players character based off bad performance on a football field?  Eat a Xanax and take a nap bro 

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  2. 1 minute ago, Systems said:

    A few minutes into the 3rd quarter, on our 4th string QB - if we're not careful, we're gonna get an injury to one of our legitimately good athletes; thusly scaring-off any recruits who might still think this coaching staff isn't completely inept and after only personal gain$. We should forfeit this game now and get our players all directly into the training and rehab room. Geez!


  3. 10 minutes ago, Tigerbelle said:

    And some of us knew right from the start that this was a bad hire and could plainly see that Harsin is clueless and would never be able to adapt to the SEC. He had issues months before February. The red flags popped up right away. But nobody wanted to see them. 

    There's nothing hypocrotical about that. A February kind of mess would've happened anyway, sooner or later with Harsin, because he's tone deaf. 


    You knew right from the start, based off what? I doubt you followed him at Boise and had you, you would've given him a chance. Be real about it, you've been pissed off since December 13, 2020

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  4. 3 hours ago, AU-24 said:

    Lol, he stays away out of embarrassment, then someone says something, even a little thing, positive about Gus, and he reappears.

    Yards per carry avg:

    2017 - 4.8

    2018 - 4.3

    2019 - 4.7

    2020 - 4.8

    Please note the average yards per carry in 2020 was the exact same as 2017.

    Malzahn ran KJ in the ground to make that stat line in '17. You forget his starting LT was moved from the D line and had it not been for Golson being able to snap from the shotgun, he would've had 1 C.

    He had to move guys around just to find a 2 deep rotation in year 5, so don't bring YPC avg and use that as evidence that the OL was fine. He abandoned the most important position group in his scheme

  5. 8 minutes ago, Tigers77 said:

    Yeah I don’t care what Bo does.  I was in JHS today cheering for MY team regardless of the situation.  Honestly couldn’t have told you who Oregon was playing today if others hadn’t mentioned it on here.  

    I don’t see a whole lot of folks(if any) on here defending Harsin tonight so don’t know why he feels the need to harp on the Bo thing.  Needs to feed the old ego that he was right about something? I guess? 

    You're right, that's why he brought up the 10 game Covid season and tried excusing it saying AU would've been 9-3 with the normal 3 "gimme" games. Has nothing to do with AU's problems today

  6. 7 minutes ago, AU-24 said:

    Even during the Covid season 6-3 against all SEC teams, could’ve been worse at least. I mean 6-3, then throw in the three gimme games and we’re 9-3? It has definitely gone downhill since Harsin was hired.

    Come on now. North Carolina would not have been a "gimme". AU was 6-4, and had the officials made the right call against Arkansas, AU would've been 5-5. Not mentioning the Ole Miss fumble because that could've went either way. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Tigerbelle said:

    No he didn't. Mason made adjustments at half-time that helped IIRC. Not sure about Bobo.

    His adjustments against LSU were nice but MSU's 40 unanswered points, South Carolina, and the secondary struggling with zone were not

  8. 3 minutes ago, peashooter said:

    I was saying it would have been better to hire Steele than Harsin. Both would end up getting fired but the cupboard would be much less bare with Steele. 

    I don't understand the logic though. How could Steele recruit at a competitive level and still be fired? Unless you're assuming he'd lose too, which in that case I don't see how he could successfully recruit with a losing product on the field.

  9. 4 hours ago, Auburn93 said:

    No one is giddy about Harsin and the team losing.  We are just pointing out the failures which are numerous in hopes that a change will occur so we can FEEL CONFIDENT in our team.  When Auburn has a good team, some fans believe Auburn can win an SEC championship or come close to it.  We have zero people thinking Auburn can win a championship now.  

    Odd, I thought AU was 2-0 so far......

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  10. 13 minutes ago, 80Tiger said:

    What exactly has he done to improve that? His recruiting of lineman last year was poor and this year looks worse. We look like we are down to 3rd and 4th choices. When it is this late in the recruiting cycle and we are just now making offers to some kids means we are far down our list. And his public strategy is “ just watch”. 

    Don't know. All I'm saying is folks need to have a little more patience than one and a half recruiting cycles

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  11. 8 hours ago, Tigerbelle said:

    Most of the time with Gus....Auburn was competitive. His mistakes with offensive play calling cost Auburn games that could've been won. He just had some predictably dumb ideas at the worst possible times. But I never counted Auburn totally out of most games because they could fight their way through and often did.

    Harsin's teams are just not really competitive or strong in any area. There's just not much edge to them. 

    No, Malzahn's mistakes in OL coaching hires and disregard of OL recruiting cost Auburn more than his play calling. It's still costing Auburn and it's going to take time to fix. Harsin's not ignorant to how important the LOS is. Have some patience and try to be a little less pessimistic 🙂

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