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Posts posted by CAReeves2010

  1. 13 hours ago, Johndunc said:

    If things don’t get better than yes let him go. I really don’t think any coach that inherited what he did could have done any better. Year 3 is all on him and no excuses. He got an offensive line that at best was a mix of good and bad. Mistakes and injuries are what has killed this team, without them we were close in every game. Believe in Auburn. 



    • Haha 5
  2. 7 hours ago, AU-24 said:

    You must realize, a multimillionaire head coaches daughters (face of the University‘s football program) can dress with class or they can dress classless.

    There are numerous organizations at Auburn University that have a dress code, to include fraternities and sororities. There is also a dress code for numerous university events such as those titled: casual, semi formal or formal.  Does the coaches daughter have a dress code? No, they don’t. Evidently they and their parents also, do not have common sense when it comes to dressing appropriately.

    Is there a dress code for a funeral or a wedding? Often times no. Is there a dress code for attending a high school or college graduation ceremony? No. But is there a common sense way to dress appropriately? Of course there is.

    Again, just like the many people that discussed how classy Alan Greene and his family dressed.


    You are insufferable, even for a message board.

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  3. 20 minutes ago, AU-24 said:

    His daughters had beards? On a sidenote: most fortune fortune 500 companies have dress codes.

    I remember many of you on here talking about the first class way Alan Greene dressed in $1000 suits. What changed?

    WTF are you talking about? You said Harsin's daughters are classless because of how they were dressed. I then made a comparison to a bro I used to ride w/ because although he has a beard and dreads, he's an attorney. You replied back that he's classless.

    I wanted to make sure I understand you correctly so I asked "So a beard and long hair on iron, regardless what they do for a living, makes someone classless

    "Many of you" doesn't include me. How a mf looks or dresses doesn't mean a damned thing to me. Ya know "don't judge a book by it's cover" type stuff

  4. 12 minutes ago, AU-24 said:

    Yes, people care about class.

    So how someone dresses determines whether or not if they have class? $#!* like this is really funny.

    I've got a brother in an organization I used to ride with. On weekends and mandatory rides, folks like you'd see him at a gas station or on the road and pass judgement based off his appearance (beard, dreads, etc). Yet Mon-Fri he's in a suit because he's an attorney.

    You can take your 1950's opinion of class back to Mayberry.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, E'Town4Bama said:

    Auburn been out for a while but no doubt it was a bs called game. Bama had 17 penalties to Tennessee's 6. Thats how they call it now. "Bama has better players so lets call 10 more penalties against them" that will make it more fair. College football is like politics now and that is why it is declining......................... 

    Really? Over half the calls were delay of game and false starts.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, tigerrules said:

    I haven’t actually posted this before.  I think Ashford has all of the physical tools to be an excellent QB.  He is young in terms of playing at this level. He has arm strength, accuracy at times, durable, mobility, instinct and smarts.  It seems that he has several strikes against him.  1. He doesn’t protect the football. 2. He has a terrible offensive line. 3. Coaching, coaching, coaching.  4.  He needs to learn football focus and discipline.  If he can figure out 1 and 4 , he can overcome 2 and 3.  

    Name a QB who's been able to overcome an awful OL consistently? 

  7. 2 hours ago, dyehardfanAU said:

    He's not leaving money on the table.  How in the world could you think he is?  If he wanted to do that he'd have done it in February.

    Honestly, I don't give a rat's ass what he does. 🤷

  8. 3 minutes ago, alabastertiger said:

    I agree with you.   He probably would stick around, but I would announce that he is not being retained and make him take the beatings for the rest of the year.

    So announce publicly that he's being fired but still expect him to coach the remainder of the year? This isn't Orgeron and LSU. He'd dip and I wouldn't blame him.

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  9. 13 hours ago, JWShewmake said:

    You guys are the same folks who wanted Tub gone, who wanted Chizik gone, who wanted Gus gone and who wanted Nix gone and now you want Harsin gone.  You don't know how to build anything.  You just know how to tear it down.  You likely may not be Auburn fans at all and are just posers.  I would suggest that you go support another football team.  You obviously will never be happy with anything so I invite you to become Alabama fans and leave us alone.


    Let me ask you a few things. Were you happy watching AU get embarrassed in Athens? Were you happy watching AU get throttled in JHS to Penn State? Were you happy watching AU give up 21 unanswered to a bad LSU team in JHS last week? How about Mizzou or any of the games in Nov. last season? Happy with the OL play? 

    I'd also suggest something to you sir, go on somewhere with your trash takes because you look like a clown

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