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Everything posted by abw0004

  1. Auburn vs. Vanderbilt. Let’s do this. War Eagle!
  2. I said something similar in the Nest, but I think we are seeing Freeze being very selective in who we recruit. Freeze is going after guys that fit his culture and system, so they can positively contribute. Malzahn got 4 and 5 star players, but most of them were not good fits for his system, or were paper tigers. Freeze is also going after the highly rated recruits too, but ones that specifically fit the system. Not only is he staying home in recruiting, but also reaching out nationally. It makes me happy for our future.
  3. Good article worth reading into why the SEC and CBS are parting ways. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/inside-the-bitter-split-between-the-sec-and-cbs-they-just-dug-their-heels-in-they-would-not-move-144745854.html
  4. In his return from injury, thus preventing me to post on him, Damari Alston had four carries for nine yards in what I assume is the training staff continuing to be very cautious in easing Damari back into the rotation.
  5. Good morning everyone, I hope this thread finds you well on this Halloween Eve. It is hard to believe that tomorrow is already Halloween and kids will be running through yards and walking the sidewalks to fill up their bags with candy. You never realize how expensive candy is until you purchase your first home. I learned that pretty quick a few years ago, but in the end, it is fun to help make fun memories for the kids in your neighborhood. Auburn got their first SEC win of the season, and the first SEC win for Freeze during his Auburn tenure. Let's jump in! Weather: I am starting with this because the temperature was unusually warm on Saturday. With the high hitting 84, it definitely did not feel like an October Saturday. It felt like an early September game to me. Luckily there was light breeze to make things a little cooler, and with it being later in the year we were immediately in the shade for our seats. Booing: I wanted to follow up on last weeks section on the booing. To recap, last week there was some booing heard when Thorne's name was announced as the starter as well as a few drives when we went three and out. This week, I did not hear Thorne booed, which made me feel better as when he was announced I will not lie, I was wincing a little bit expecting to hear a few boos. In fact, at the end of each quarter a lot of the fans were clapping for the performance on the field. Naturally there were more claps in the first half with how we played compared to the second half. Military Appreciation: This game for Auburn was military appreciation day. As we have done in the past, at different times, each branch of the military was asked to stand up so they could be recognized. I am glad we do this and dedicate a game to our heroes. Something a little more touching this year, was we had a family come of a solider who was still missing in action. It is important to recognize not only our service members in the audience, but those who have fallen or are still missing. The announcer on the PA got really choked up when speaking on this, which I have never heard him do. He never breaks character, which makes me wonder if he has a close one serving or one that never came home. Marching Band: It was going to be hard to beat what the marching band did last game. And this show did not disappoint, especially if you are of military-mind. The band honored each branch of the military in their formations forming a jet flying, tank with an animation shooting the cannon, and a submarine diving under the water. I want to say it was similar to the show last year, but either way it was still fun. Turning the Corner: I would like to think this game was a good statement for us that when we face similar talent, we have the coaching to win it. I say that in the sense of our talent being so low currently, it has been an obstacle difficult to overcome this season. This is why recruiting has become paramount for us, but I also say that with a caveat. Even when these players arrive on campus, they still need time to develop into SEC veterans. Rarely do you see players come in and ready to compete for the starting position day one. It is going to take patience, as many said at the beginning of the season. That is hard to remember sometimes as you want instant gratification, but I would rather build a solid foundation first and then construct the house, than to just throw up the house because you want to move in ASAP. Bowl Game Probable: With this win against Mississippi State, we now sit at four wins. We have the odds to get to six wins at the minimum, which will put us over the hump and get a bowl game. To me, that is progress. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless. We have a chance to go on a four win streak heading into the Iron Bowl, and if we do that, we have a chance to win that one as well. That game is at home, and when you play in Jordan-Hare, anything is possible. We have two away games at Vanderbilt and at Arkansas coming up, so I will see you again after the New Mexico State game.
  6. Another home game on the plains! Perfect weather. Let’s do this! War Eagle!
  7. It's like dating someone. Every person you date seriously, you are looking/hoping they are the one. Unless you luck out with your high school sweetheart, you keep dating other people until you land on the one. I don't take it as an embarrassment we are still searching for the right coordinator. I am not embarrassed that I have had 7 serious girlfriends before I found my person. Neither should we be embarrassed that we have gone through multiple coordinators over the last few years. On paper they were good hires, but were not good fits for us. It happens.
  8. Oh I didn’t take that negatively at all my friend. You are 100% fine.
  9. Here is the official marching band video: https://youtu.be/WD707cDiKuo?si=yf3rB7x6YiBOsOf-
  10. Good morning all, I hope this thread finds you well as we inch closer to Halloween. This time of the year is always the best when it comes to the football season. Leaves are turning and the temperature is cool. No more 90 degree weather in 100% humidity. Saturday's outcome was not ideal, but there are still a lot of takeaways. Let's jump in the begin the week! Booing: I wanted to address this first because it has been the topic of discussion a few times already on here. I am not stranger to the crowd booing. In the past it is typically the crowd booing the opponent. The last year it was the crowd booing Harsin, and honestly at that point Harsin zapped so much energy out of me I didn't even care if I heard the boos. This game was a little surprising. No, unlike what al.com is pushing, the crowd was not booing all game. Honestly, there were only two times I could clearly hear the boos, but they were very poorly timed. The first time was when Peyton Throne was announced as the starting quarterback. I know the recruits heard it and that was disappointing. The second time was when we failed to earn a first down in the third quarter, which still was not ideal, but understandable. For everyone's knowledge, if you are confused, when they announced Hugh Freeze as the head coach, fans are not booing. They are saying "HUGH." Gameday Experience: For those that have not been to a game this year, Auburn has been improving and enhancing their gameday experience. They have kept the traditions of course, such as the Eagle flight, and the marching band still does everything (except the loop around the stadium when it is one hour until kickoff). But the hype videos have increased, and the LED light shows have increased. I absolutely love it. It keeps the audience engaged and keeps the energy up. With the day and age where across the country game attendance is decreasing, Auburn is doing a great job of making fans want to come back, regardless of the product on the field. Media Team: Speaking of gameday experience, shout out to the media team in the stadium. They really threw everything they could to keep the fans going, which in turn, kept our team going. I especially loved that before the game, whenever the Ole Miss band tried to play a tune, the media team simply turned up the music. Petty? Maybe, but I loved it. Who really wants to hear the Ole Miss band anyways. The Good Fight: The outcome of the game was not ideal, we know this. But I have to commend our team for never giving up. Even on the sidelines, whenever the defense was on the field, Ashord continued to keep warm throwing the ball. Players not on the field were throwing their towels in the air trying to get the fans to stand up. They did not quit. That was always a trait I admire about Malzahn's teams, is they never gave up. I hope to see this with Freeze's teams as well. The Rebuild: Look, I know losses are frustrating. I get it. I also understand coaching has room for improvement. This rebuild is going to take some time. As much as we want to recreate 2013 in Malzahn's first year, we can't. I will give you an analogy that hopefully you can relate to. One of my pastimes is working out, specifically in the powerlifting arena. Last year I had to have surgery on my lower back, that would not allow me to sit or lay on my back for three months. After that, all I wanted to do was get back into the gym to prevent any more losses from the weight I could put up. I had to learn to be patient and slowly rebuild. I tried to rush into it at first and developed tendinitis in my IT (iliotibial) band. Long story short and my point is, it is better to do things the right way and take your time, than to go for the immediate gratification. Freeze is recruiting well, and even with that, those recruits need to develop. Heck, our guys we have now still need to develop after not being developed by the two previous regimes. We will get there in due time. For now though, there really isn't a reason to let this season ruin your day. Focus on the positives and move forward. That's all you can do. Marching Band: I want to end on a good note, and talking about the marching band's performance Saturday night sure is a great note to end on. It is by far the best performance I have seen and I have seen everything to batons on fire to tap dancers. If you have not seen the show, I recommend watching it. The show was completely done in the dark and the marching band uniforms were lit up with LEDs along with the instruments. As a former marching band guy, I want to emphasize to you how difficult that is to pull off. When you are marching, you are looking at two things, the drum major and the 5-yard markers/hash marks. Well, in the dark, you can't see the yard-line or the hash marks. To hit every set perfectly takes a lot of practice and trust in yourself that you are going to the right places. I really hope you take the time to watch a video of it, especially if you are a Metallica fan. Link is below for those interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zZJdNhynYQ Mississippi State: I have no idea who will win this game, but I sure am excited to be back in Auburn. Fans are asked to wear ORANGE to the game.
  11. I haven’t heard how he said it before no. And I listen to every post-game show. I could tell he was hurting.
  12. Hank Brown. Walk on QB from Nashville, TN.
  13. He did say that in his post-game interview that he wants to run fast, and maybe he should, but is slowing down to give his defense a break.
  14. Oh no I meant what 50 was saying about expecting the “What I saw at the Ole Miss Game” article. I typically write the Monday after every home game “My Thoughts from the Stadium.”
  15. For those that didn’t hear Freeze’s post-game interview on the Auburn Sports Network, he took a lot of responsibility and said it was coaching and that he needed to do better and takes that personally. I’m glad he is recognizing it so we can move forward.
  16. We are in the same position FSU was in under Mike Norvell’s first season. Even the same reactions from the fans.
  17. It’s getting loud, but not every down on defense like the UGA game.
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