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Posts posted by CoffeeTiger

  1. The police officer in this incident has been fired by his department with the sherriff saying:

    This tragic incident should have never occurred,” Aden said in his statement. “The objective facts do not support the use of deadly force as an appropriate response to Mr. Fortson’s actions. Mr. Fortson did not commit any crime.” 






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  2. 15 hours ago, Cardin Drake said:

    Stalin would be proud of this show trial.  The prosecutors didn't have to tell Trump's team before the trial what the predicate crime was that magically turned a misdemeanor into a felony, and the jury didn't have to name it either in their verdict.  The facts of the case don't matter. All that matters is who's on the jury. Congratulations. I hope you all like the new rules.


    You and @Son of A Tiger  are currently in the Anger stage, but I do genuinely want to help you overcome these confusing feelings y'all are having and help you move on to a more positive mindset. 


    Just know. My DMs are open if you need any help or support during this trying time.


    r/PoliticalHumor - Сue the 5 Stages of MAGA Grief



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  3. 38 minutes ago, autigeremt said:

    It will be interesting to see who votes for the convicted felon versus the should be felon. 

    America. 🇺🇸 

    Yeah totally the same. 

    I wonder which carries more weight behind it? 

    a man who is actually convicted of a felony in a real trial …

    or someone who has never been charged with a crime but random people on the internet say he “should be” a felon. 


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  4. 14 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

    My understanding is there is no federal provision for a felon not being able to run for President. Not sure about state laws. 


    I don't think states could even make such a law. 

    The Constitution lays out the requirements for someone to run as US president (which doesn't exclude felons), and I don't believe any State would be allowed to just decide they're going to add on additional requirements to who can be considered for president. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, creed said:

    It’s not looking good for ole Donny. I was thinking old Biden wouldn’t make it to Election Day but it looks like Donny will be out before him. 

    I don't think this will cause much issue for Trump honestly. He's still going to be nominated at the Republican convention, his supporters are still going to stick by him, a majority of Republicans will still vote for him based on a hatred of Joe Biden/Dems. The official Republican party line will just be that the trial was rigged against him and that Trump will successfully appeal it. 

    I don't see any states keeping Trump off the ballot because of this. Not in any State he has a chance at winning electoral votes in anyway. 

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  6. First US president in history to be convicted in court of crimes. 


    President Trump will now assumedly navigate the presidential election as a convicted felon and also as the Republican nominee for President. 


    Initial sentencing set for July 11 2024. Prison time while possible, is very unlikely. Trump will of course appeal. 

  7. 29 minutes ago, alanevans said:

    The only Trump Derangement Syndrome I’ve seen is from the nitwits who support the guy.


    Right. They nominate the guy for president THREE different times and then claim everyone else is too obsessed with Trump. 

  8. 12 minutes ago, Cardin Drake said:

    It's not paranoia when the prosecutor runs on a platform of "getting" you in a venue that is 90% democrats and charges you with a crime that nobody else has ever been prosecuted with. 

    Regardless of the prosecutors intentions they still have to prove their case to a jury and operate in the confines of the law. 

    But I know....

    The judge and jury are also completely biased and out to get Trump too. 

    Like I said, I feel so bad for Trump...just nothing can go his way and the entire world is out to get him when he's done nothing wrong and has only ever tried to do the best things for everybody. 

    Trump is just an every day American patriot that bleeds red, white and blue and farts out eagle screeches, but the nation he serves with every fiber of his being wants to destroy him for some reason. 

    Makes me tear up at the injustice of it all. 

    I hope all of Trumps mistresses', porn stars,  wives (the ones not buried in his back yard at least), and his daughter are at court to comfort him in the bosom of their fake breasts and silicone smiles. 


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  9. 2 hours ago, Cardin Drake said:

    A jury full of people like this is why acquittal was never an option.   A prosecutor who vowed to get Trump will convict Trump of a made up crime using a biased judge and jury.  It's a sad day for America.  It will be overturned on appeal after the election on any number of reversible errors., the most egregious of which was not telling the defendant the crime he was being charged with until after the trial started so his lawyers had no time to prepare a defense. 


    Always an excuse. Always the system rigged against poor Donald Trump, the rich, white, celebrity, elite politician who just can't catch a break and has the entire world out to get him despite being the "best" president the US has ever had.

    Poor Trump...why can't anything ever go his way? Why is everyone out to get him? 

    ...how sad. 


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  10. 7 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

    It’s this day and age of blaming someone else for what someone else did.   Why not file a lawsuit against the parents?  What if the owner ask them to leave and they don’t? Is that enough to satisfy “being accountable “? Just a money grab by the city that’s one of the biggest cities that’s losing out on population.  

    The video mentions numerous shootings, robberies, kidnappings, and murders over the years at this particular gas station and Birmingham police say they've responded to about 50 calls to this location in just the last month. 

    That is a lot of crime and city resources being spent on keeping that one particular gas station location safe. 


    I agree that it's not always the business owners fault when crimes happen on their property and the ultimate blame for individual crimes lies on the people committing the crimes, but if many different people are committing a lot of crimes at a few particular locations over a long period of time, then that does indicate a pattern that likely has some reasons behind it. 



  11. 14 hours ago, cbo said:

    Israel has now attacked Rafah, a designated "safe zone," setting fire to a camp housing displaced Palestinians. At least 45 dead, including 12 women, 8 children, and 3 elderly. They pulled out children in pieces. 3 bodies were burned beyond recognition, so they can't categorize those. 

    This comes AFTER the ICC issued an arrest warrant for Netanyahu for war crimes. And now the UN Security Council is calling an emergency meeting, after their Security General condemned the attack. 

    Netanyahu, who definitely always tells the truth, said it was a mistake. Just a little oopsy-doopsy. Don't mind us. We also didn't mean to bomb those churches, hospitals, and aid workers. 

    As @CoffeeTigerastutely noted above, the majority of the world is mounting in opposition to Israel's actions. Because it is painfully obvious that this isn't about the release of hostages. 

    So what is America doing? Biden is not altering his Israel policies because they have not yet crossed the "red line." Hard to cross a line that doesn't actually exist. We will keep sending money and weapons without any consideration for our thoughts or advice. But, aw shucks, it sure is sad about all those dead people. 

    Biden is losing leftist/liberal votes left and right. I am personally tired of funding this brutality, especially when we desperately need the money in this country. 


    Biden is setting himself up for a fall on this issue unfortunately. 


    Biden isn't treating this war any differently than Trump or any other Republican would. Being pro Israel and pro Zionist in itself isn't a bad thing, but he's also unfortunately confusing being pro-Israel with going along with whatever Netanyahu wants and says. Netanyahu is Israels Donald Trump. He's mired in corruption allegations,  is not a fully rational or diplomatic man, and also has a political incentive to keep the war in Gaza going as long as he can to avoid post war investigations and inquiries on his governments failures, and also to prolong having to make a decision on post war governance for the region. 

    Bidens support of Israel's offensive operations are bleeding him support from all progressives and increasingly even more moderate Democrats here at home while at the same time not gaining him any ground or support at all from Conservatives.  Republicans are just "mad" at Biden for daring to tell Israel to try and cut down on innocent civilian casualties. 

    All mainstream media is focusing near daily coverage on criticism to Biden's handling of the war, and he's getting heckled at all his campaign events.  The world is also souring on Biden as they are starting to see him as being complicit in Israel's activities, and see the US government stopping the rest of the UN from imposing any sanctions on Israel like the rest of the world wants to do. 


    Biden's done very well on a number of issues here at home, but it's frustrating to watch him throw a lot of the political goodwill from those wins away in subservience to Netanyahu's government.


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  12. 1 hour ago, auburnatl1 said:

    Though I disagree with evangelicals at many times, it shouldn’t get lost the good they try to do as well. This tragedy of well meaning young missionaries trying to help children in Haiti breaks my heart.



    That's a tragic story. Presumably they were well aware of the risks they were taking and judged their mission to be worth it anyway. 

    Haiti is under a "do not travel alert" by the US government, and outside of currently active warzones is probably one of the most dangerous places on earth to be right now. 



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  13. One of the biggest dangers to the future of the Republic is that an increasingly large number of people don't believe they have any real say or influence on who leads the country or what problems get consideration by our elected officials. 

    Having an Electoral college system where most peoples presidential vote....literally...doesn't matter...certainly doesn't help that perception. 






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  14. So...what does this article have to do with anything? 

    This Trump legal group is saying that it believes that the government may have had copies of the classified documents that Trump stole, due to a Obama era DOD policy memo. 

    ok....But....EVEN if true (and the group isn't saying this is true, they are just claiming that it's "possible")

    Why would it matter? 

    Trump still had classified documents and information that he was insecurely storing in closets and bathrooms of his house, and he refused to return them repeatedly when demanded.

    Whether there may or may not have been copies of these documents in the governments possession somewhere else doesn't change the fact that Trump illegally had possession of his own copies of them which the federal gov needed back.



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  15. Quote


    Said Trump: “Because he made rulings that makes it very difficult to testify. Anything I did, anything I did in the past they can bring everything up. And you know what, I’ve had a great past.”



    So  if his past is so great then why is he afraid of them bringing it up in court? 

    Does Trump ever actually listen to the stuff he says? 

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