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Everything posted by WarEagleHunter1221

  1. Simpson must have watched Jalen Ramsey’s game tape from Thursday night.
  2. DBs are some of our highest ranked guys and they do not show it.
  3. It’s the best of both worlds. They’ll get their “Auburn man” and we will get a competent coach.
  4. This place will never be united on one movement. Not on this side of the forum. Lol.
  5. Some people do seem to get enjoyment out of this don’t they? I can understand laughing through the pain but some folks are more focused on the “told ya so” than us having a good football team.
  6. Nah this is us lol. Luckily the rest of the SEC West is also down bad this year.
  7. Me either but I don’t know enough about secondary play to know if it’s the play calls or the players. They are throwing all over us and we are not making it hard for them at all. Secondary is the one area of the field we’ve actually recruited well.
  8. Someone who knows more than I do, how do you feel about this secondary? Seems like the same things rolled over from last year.
  9. Yep. Lose the ones you’re suppose to and barely beat the ones you should. Auburn has no buzz around it and we wonder why we can’t get any of the big recruits. That ain’t even addressing NIL….
  10. Lol, maybe. Feels more like being realistic. I don’t think it was too far fetched to think we’d be really bad.
  11. I fear more about how far back our program will be 2-3 years from now. Regardless of coaching staff Auburn is working far behind the rest of the big boys. Oh well. All things far out of my control. I do not let football effect me and my mood near like I used to. Now just need to apply that to basketball. Lol
  12. I ain’t trying to be a negative Nancy but come on y’all, do y’all think we were going to be good this year? Lolol We definitely looked better last week than I expected us too but let’s be real. We all knew what this was going to be.
  13. Totally agree. Mistakes will be made. Not mad at that. Just worrisome how blind those two decisions were despite being given ample time. Hopefully just inexperience.
  14. My problem with the two picks is he had all day to make those decisions and that’s what he decided to do. This is the simplest secondary we will probably see all season. When the throws are hitting they look good. Clean and quick. I just worry what we will see when we are playing the big boys.
  15. Camden Brown with a great block on that pitch play. Love to see that can’t wait to see more of him. Great blocking by the receivers/shenker on the third down play. If we can continue to improve on that we will be able to run sweeps and run outside on people all day. This team has serious speed.
  16. This offensive line looks…….the same, which is not good. I can credit the whiffed assignments to it being the first game of the season but the talent still just ain’t there and it shows even against Mercer. Good news is the rest of the offense looks much improved so far. Finley looks more confident and poised and we have so much speed at receiver. The flow looks crisp and clean.
  17. If it had not had been batted down it was a TD.
  18. Geirner looks very good. Throwing motion is so smooth and seems so natural. Commentators mentioned on one of the breaks that he’s been “swimming” which I assume meant that he’s having typical freshman struggles. Hopefully he will settle in.
  19. Only thing I’m not liking about Ashford is he bails from the pocket too quickly. It’s giving me Bo flashbacks. Ashford is much quicker and more athletic so it’s not as bad.
  20. So glad to see Capers involved. He has a chance to be our main guy. Ashford is just too athletic to not be on the field. Seems like a guy who can get better and better as the season goes on. Of course we got to see him in a real game but the athleticism can’t be denied.
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