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Everything posted by TigerFanAU

  1. I wouldn't think TAMU would since they don't play Texas ever, and all the teams you named play on a annual basis, but I don't know all the bylaws.
  2. I agree, Greene was the guy that kept Leath from firing Bruce Pearl, he also got us a qualified football coach that didn't come from the good ole' boy network, but now all the sudden he's the problem? All Gouge has to do is tell these crybaby coaches ( let's be real, football is what most of us care about) to go coach and he'll allow Greene to spend more funds. Sounds like a rat with ulterior motives in the AD to me.
  3. Not exactly sure what you see in 'arm talent' with Nix. He's wildly inaccurate at times. Also, Sean White was much better at pocket presence than Nix IMO.
  4. Love this pickup. Bama is super salty about this, which makes it better lol!
  5. This is hard for me to comprehend as well. O-Line is one of the more difficult positions to develop. Why would Gus not heavily recruit all the 4-5 star OL, rather than evaluate lesser known recruits in hopes they'd fit his offense?
  6. I'm sure Grimes has another one waiting in the wings to replace Cohen.... *sigh*...
  7. Don't forget that bag of trash trying to run up the score on us last year too. Pretty sure Gus didn't appreciate that. I want that program to get busted.
  8. I'm laughing at people saying he may not qualify. Kirby just snuck a crap load of cash to Pickens and his family without getting caught. Getting him to qualify isn't an issue.
  9. thats exactly what happened. God I want Kirby to get busted so bad. The guy is cheating his backside off while burning bridges in the process.
  10. Absolutely unacceptable and ridiculous. Terrible job by the coaching staff on this one.
  11. Guess its too much to ask of our staff that they recruit actual offensive lineman.
  12. Missed on Putnam. Our offensive line recruiting is really frustrating.
  13. this x1000. Jones has that "it" factor that o-lineman need. Confident, mean, leadership. Great get by AU!
  14. LOL. He said it like a man that enjoys football. He didn't call any team or person out in particular. I love the confidence. I haven't seen Gus come out about the comments; if I'm a coach I'm loving natural enthusiasm to succeed and work hard. I'm sure some ya'll are equally as offended by Stidham coming out saying he believes we can win it all this year. How dare that man show confidence, he's got a target on him now. Can't wait to see Mr. Shivers suit up and play, and what a luxury to have a player in which we will never have to question his work ethic, determination, and personal motivation. WDE
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