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Everything posted by tigers23

  1. Stop arguing with this dude. Just let him bloviate about himself.
  2. There is definitely a talent gap but there is a bigger coaching gap
  3. We have more time of possession than they do. Find a new excuse
  4. This defense is being exposed. Have never been able to stop a good passing game. No rush and leave people wide open. People have wildly overestimated this defense all year because of the lousy competition up until this point. Will be lucky to win a conference game. Team is totally unprepared in every aspect of this game
  5. Thorne is quickly becoming my least favorite Auburn qb of all time
  6. Put Ashford in and just let him run. This is grotesque
  7. Here is the problem with college football. Play has been stopped for 5 minutes and then you decide to go to replay when the play is set to resume
  8. Wish Simpson would leave the antics on the bench
  9. Why do the linebackers continually leave the middle wide open?
  10. Offensive coordinator position may need revisiting. Horrendous play calling
  11. Robby does need his touches...from slot receiver
  12. This has been the worst called offensive game I've ever seen
  13. Maybe we can catch them napping by running up the middle
  14. Amazing we are only down 3. Good job by the D
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