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Everything posted by Tigermike

  1. I read that this afternoon. It's crazy that a 200 ft tower can be stolen and no one sees anything. Also seems like Jasper PD not patrolling the way they should.
  2. It was a great game! They had no answers for our inside game War Eagle!
  3. It always amazes me how streaky basketball games are.
  4. My Dad is 94 and he just told me this. He said he was cutting grass and got hot so he took his shirt off. A man down the road was driving by and asked if he was hot. Dad said yes that's why he took his shirt off. The next day he was on the mower finishing up and not wearing any pants. His neighbor came by again and stopped and asked if Dad thought he should be doing that. Dad answered him by saying "Yesterday with my shirt off, the sun made my neck stiff. This is the way my wife sent me out today. "
  5. Good comeback and good win. War Eagle!
  6. Hope it works out great! WAR EAGLE!
  7. Thinking? As always they were only thinking how to out do their last stupid stunt.
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