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  1. Only two consecutive seasons he won it. 2011 backed their way in. Plus didn’t win the SEC. 2012 backed their way in. Teams HAD to lose in late November for them to even make the title game. Backed their way in 2017 again after we throttled their asses. Didn’t win the SEC again. IMO, takes three consecutive seasons at minimum to be a dynasty. We foiled that opportunity 11/30/13. Sports dynasties are dominating strangleholds for long periods of time. Not win one, win one, lose one, lose one. If that were the case, Georgia is smack dab in the middle of one currently. But they’re not a dynasty either. A great run. 2015 - 2012 = 3 2020 - 2017 = 3 Doesn’t cloud my thinking. Two consecutive backed their way in titles, one of them without having to win their conference championship game, does not equal a dynasty. What would you call Wooden’s SEVEN in a row? An extraordinary dynasty? A super galactic dynasty? I call it simply a dynasty, the only dynasty in fball or bball college sports history, a feat Saban never came close to achieving.
  2. Thank God for NIL. We wouldn’t have a prayer competing with Kirbs/GA ever again without it.
  3. He has 20+ years before retirement age. And Saban never had a dynasty. You can’t go three years between titles and bestowed a dynasty. A great run, yes, but not a dynasty. John Wooden had a dynasty. Saban never sniffed what Wooden did.
  4. It was. It also was parlayed with their other created event, Big Cat Weekend. Point being…Chiz’ staff invented both events. They both were revolutionary thinking outside the box to combat the blatant cheating in T-Town that Mark Emmert allowed to continue. It’s no coincidence Emmert and Saban retired nearly simultaneously.
  5. I can never hear the words Big Cat Weekend and not think about Troop n Lup rolling up on high schools unannounced in the AU hummer with reactions like rock stars. Ahhhhhhhhhh those were the days of revolutionary thinking outside the box to combat Chargers, suits and free rent. Good times, good times.
  6. Disagreed. He’ll retire at GA and surpass every accomplishment dink achieved.
  7. What’s odd for me is I grew up watching AU win in Athens every single time. After the curbstomp in 1999 with a first-year mediocre Tubbs team, I didn’t think we’d ever lose in Athens again.
  8. You could win a lot of dough with that trivia question in sports bars all across the SE.
  9. And I still believe he would have left us for GA, so a moot point.
  10. They do. Thanks to Gus, then exponentially with Harsin, our cupboard was left near-Vandy level bare. I noted this in Nov 21.
  11. Dad seems like a perfect fit with Prime.
  12. Don’t doubt it. Guaranteed dad is using other school’s offers as ammo to negotiate more. I’ll say it again…you live less than 2 hours from a school that is offering you 1M. And you’re going to pass it up and use it as a bargaining tool to other schools? Schools that are multiple states away from home?
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