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Everything posted by 1716AU

  1. The mistake here is thinking the McConnell gives a rat's tail about anything that 45 thinks or says. He doesn't care. McConnell has gotten what he wants, he just thinks that Schumer and Co. don't have the stones to retaliate. He is about to get a very rude awakening..
  2. We will see, but the way the Republicans have behaved the past six years, four with power, they will reap what they have sown. And it will ALL be Constitutional. They have brought this upon themselves, and are daring the Democrats to blink.
  3. And there is the 1929 Apportionment Act. If that is overturned, Conservatives will never hold power again. Here is what I see: Republicans have signed their death warrant, Texas may just go Blue this year, but definitely will in 2022. They will be destroyed in Senate and House races in that election. If you're my age, 55, you are about to witness something magical, I think. Democrats are incredibly energized now, and will be for years to come. Why, they are younger, and they are pissed at the Establishment, especially Republicans. And they really are more well educated. They are going to make you pay. And it will hurt. Brad, I think that you will see a lot of Trump's appointees losing their positions via impeachment on the Federal Courts. There may be an impeachment with Kavanaugh. If not, there will be a three judge expansion. If you are a Conservative, this is going to look like "scorched-earth" policy, and I think they might even plow your fields with salt. If we are lucky, Conservatives will never hold power again.
  4. Those were exactly Dilbert's words. Plus it was old fashioned
  5. Get used to it. We deserve it because we can't stop it.
  6. Sorry, but Briles is a good coach And Auburn is just a st*t show
  7. the DL is just scheisse 22 yard rushing on two plays through wide open holes. Briles makes them look like the bloody idiots they are
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