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Everything posted by difball

  1. Irony would be for Harsin to go 2-0 vs Kiffin and then get fired and replaced by Kiffin.
  2. These QBs can barely run a base offense - asking them to make a read to get the extra guy blitzing picked up is waaaaay over their head
  3. Got to be ready for that kind of call - no one in the same zip code
  4. Looks like we motivated Tank - by having Ashford run one in
  5. After every nice play I'm afraid to look in lower right of screen for the FLAG indicator.
  6. Last October when we beat Kiffin and Ole Miss at Jordan-Hare - damn we looked good and everyone thought Harsin was on his way.
  7. 76 totally whiffs on his block - a simple block too
  8. Great sack - then soft coverage allows them to convert.
  9. Braves could use him in the bullpen with that heater
  10. Still only a 1 score game - we can make adjustments at half time and get this game!
  11. Not an Embarrassment of Riches - just an Embarrassment
  12. Bennett so old he needs oxygen after running 50 yards
  13. Sideline erupts in high fives for the awesome punt!
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