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Everything posted by Didba

  1. Naaaaah, unlike the old dudes I have pretty solid password standards.
  2. Dude it would be so much fun to depose you and just read my posts verbatim then ask so what about these words didn’t you understand. It’s like when defendants object to discovery by saying the phrase “pertaining to” is vague and confusing. You just set those for hearing and tee it up for the judge to roast them for objecting in such a dumb manner.
  3. He disliked your post too! Lmao, my dude is fragile!
  4. Nope, I just find it funny I got under your skin so bad you dislike all my posts you see. You can’t deny you just disliked thirty plus in a row. That’s sad man. Like cmon, you let a 27 year old attorney get to you so badly that you go out of your way to do the above? Prototypical fragile ego
  5. I from/live in Texas even though I’m liberal, I also own aloooot of guns😉
  6. Hey man you said it not me, I appreciate you admitting your obsession. Though, I’m gonna have to tell my wife to watch out @SurfingTiger is competing with her.
  7. Swamp, you know that’s better suited for the political forums but… it did make me laugh
  8. Hmmmm… I don’t know man you are the one following me around disliking everything I post like a kid in middle school
  9. Dude, you just disliked 30+ of my posts from today in the span of ten to twenty minutes, I think I might need to pay you some rent for all the time I’m spending in your head. Talk about fragile.
  10. I’m not saying you’re wrong, I think you could be right, but I think you left out some important factors.
  11. It’s really not. I was trying to be fair to @e808’s opinion because in case you hadn’t heard its still “still the same ol same ol from you. That rep you were talking about earlier. This is it. Same ol as shat every time I read your posts.” 😂
  12. No waaaaay! I just moved from Houston to NE Texas. And I found it at Super1 which is a brookshire company. Good looking out.
  13. We might disagree on some things in the politics forum but we see eye to eye here bud
  14. ESPN is just like any other MSM. They talk about what gets eyes on.
  15. I mean, I don’t know what to tell you my old bud. You assume and imply things I don’t actually say, mean or intend to imply then you get all upset and defensive when I clarify. I honestly don’t even remember what I said to stick in your craw but I mean move on man.
  16. I’d definitely put those as toss up games. At least whichever ones are at home. isn’t that crazy? I’m so busy these days I don’t even remember which games are home and away. That used to be ingrained in my brain for every season.
  17. Straight facts. I don’t think Sanders would be able to do this because of well. I won’t say it. But it’s not ideal.
  18. I’m smoking it right now with a cold one in hand while my parents and wife enjoy the bama game. Plus, my new job has me in a town in north Texas in an area of hills and pines. Reminds us all of Auburn. It’s good times this year even though I’m working 60-70 hours a week as a young associate. even though we get into it sometimes I appreciate you being congenial
  19. Sorry to burst your bubble, it was a good effort though. You tried.
  20. Always is. I was able to find some conecuh sausage at a grocery store in East Texas. My parents were pumped since they came in town to watch that unfortunately abysmal game.
  21. I wish I had the faith you did. I think moo state and Vandy are the only “easy” wins
  22. Could you explain your factual basis for that contention, please?
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