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Didba last won the day on September 24 2022

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About Didba

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    Football, Steely Dan, Law School Grad, Civil Litigation, Guitar, the Bar? Put a fork in it.

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  1. I mean to be fair, the pandemic had a huge impact on those things. Especially gas prices.
  2. Okay, so once upon a time, I’m appearing before a state judge in a hearing to appoint a temporary administrator over someone’s estate so they can request a defense from the decedent’s insurance company in a civil matter, we can have an actual estate to name in the lawsuit, and the decedent’s insurance policy will be on the hook instead of the estate’s property. We have to do this bc in Texas you cannot directly sue insurance companies. also known as the “no direct action doctrine.” The judge, who had been an ADA for twenty years before he was on the bench, looks at me and asks “well I just don’t understand why y’all just don’t directly sue the insurance company.” I couldn’t believe what I heard and just managed to say as politely as possible “… because we can’t, your honor, Texas does not allow direct actions against insurance companies…” I went back and forth with him explaining the doctrine and he just goes “well… I’ll take your motion under advisement and I’ll have to do some research.” Then proceeds to deny our motion within twenty minutes of the hearing. and this is why it’s bad to elect judges not based on merit.
  3. But what do any of those things have to do with being fit for office? Besides her record as border czar.
  4. This forum has the most relaxed and strictest standards of any I’ve been on. Can’t curse but can say racist/sexist stuff. Others are the opposite, you can curse but get banned for racism/sexism, etc.
  5. I’ve got a story I’ll tell on here after this deposition
  6. This is entirely non-responsive to his point.
  7. It goes both ways really. The issue is dumb lawyers only affect their clients, dumb judges on the other hand…
  8. Dude… some of our state judges are so dumb.
  9. Are we really debating whether a licensed attorney with years of experience won’t be able to successfully debate a geriatric?
  10. Lot of arm chair lawyers in this thread…
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