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  1. 8-9 wins and better consistency. We seemed to find something mid-season only to fall apart down the stretch. If what the players and coaches are saying about a stronger culture is true, I think we’ll have it.
  2. I feel like only people in a certain age range will get the joke, but… here’s chance.
  3. Some folks may be discounting him. I’m not. Because Coleman came to campus earlier, I think he’ll emerge as a great receiver before Thompson. However, when all is said and done, I think Thompson will prove to be actually a little better than Coleman. FYi… This isn’t a shot against Coleman. I think they both have elite potential, especially in this offensive system.
  4. Over the hill now. The modern game has gotten past him. Look at his career post-Auburn.
  5. Between the Dye stuff and the Cam stuff, you’ll find my seething hatred for the NCAA. Auburn should’ve been in trouble for the violations. But the punishment we received did not fit the crime. The bulk of the allegations were about a coach giving a player’s family food. That was the only thing that there was ever evidence of. Everything else was hearsay. The sanctions and Dye getting forced out were completely nonsensical.
  6. My top 3: 1. Dye 2. Shug 3. Hear me out before you criticize this one… Gus. I think the first two speak for themselves. As for Gus… He was fizzling out before he was let go. Partially, it to a fall off in recruiting after Kirby was hired. But he also was a little stagnant at times in letting his offense evolve. (Albeit, I feel like he gets a little more flack on this than is realistic. He did make some changes to his passing game, especially after Chip Lindsey was hired.) And his last few years, he was over-substituting, which tended to telegraph what play we were about to call. HOWEVER, he put a ton of guys in the NFL. He ran a clean program that kept players from getting into too much trouble. Including his OC years, he had us on 3 SEC championships and 2 natties within a decade. His win percentage was on par with other great Auburn coaches. He had a pretty even record against Saban. And oh yeah, he did all this with our biggest rivals(s) having unprecedented success.
  7. Just to point out how much Harsin destroyed this roster… We’re at the end of round 4 and no Auburn players have been drafted. NO, ZERO, NONE. The university of British Columbia has had a player drafted, and we’ve not had a single player go.
  8. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NCAA_Division_I_FBS_passing_leaders Not sure where they got 2nd. He’s 6th. Still a great achievement though. He does now hold the record for completion percentage in a season.
  9. This perspective feels like it is coming from someone who didn’t actually watch him play at Oregon at all. A switch flipped on him at Oregon. Were the defenses not as good? Sure. But he also was throwing the ball much more consistently. He was hitting receivers in tight windows. He was making better reads and not forcing passes like he did at times at Auburn. He finally got competent coaching, and it made a difference. The guy that couldn’t show any consistency throwing the football finished his last season with the best completion percentage in college football history. Think about that.
  10. I won’t crystal ball predict on how Thorne will look this season. But I will point out the following: - At Michigan State, when he had a solid run game and had a solid receiver to throw to, he relaxed and balled out. -Last season, his best games were the games where we were able to run the ball effectively. Minus drops (which were a major issue last year), he had ridiculously good completion percentages in those games. If we can run block well, the added weapons should majorly open up the passing game. I’m not saying I think he’ll break Auburn records. But he should be good enough to manage the game effectively. In an RPO scheme like Freeze’s, you don’t need a world beater at QB. You just need someone who can confidently make the right reads.
  11. IMO, I don’t agree with this decision. While the rules have changed, he knew what they were at the time and willingly broke them. But it is what it is. I’m not going to lose any sleep over it either way. As for teams in trouble being somehow affected, I don’t really agree with that either. I also think that would be harder to restore…
  12. Here’s the joke… You know, he’s right. Bama is so much worse than Isis.
  13. Most likely exit would be Battie. He’s a senior, and his carries will probably not go up this year. Alston and Cobb have great chances to be featured backs next year. Didn’t Battie even put his name in the portal previously?
  14. I would argue that he did. He just took too long to get going following the suspension early last seasons
  15. I think you’re reading too deeply between the lines. Per interviews in the past, Auburn was always his first choice. He chose to go to Florida at first because we seemed to be more interested in Kodi Burns. I’m sure that was a factor when he was looking to come back to D1. He was just stating that the deciding factor was the number of seniors.
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