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Posts posted by WarrrEagleHey

  1. 3 hours ago, KansasTiger said:
    1 hour ago, aubaseball said:

    Let me ask you this….can coaching fix whiffing on a fumbled punt?   


    Better response than mine above:


    'I think for many its the lack of utilizing what we have currently. We see players not playing with good fundamentals (coaching), we see play calls that make no sense (coaching), and we see player substitutions that defy all logic and often hurts the team with penalties or disrupts the rhythm of the players (coaching). If it was just a Jimmy and the Joe's behind in talent, that's one thing. But what we are seeing is coaching issues on top of it.' 

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  2. 55 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

    Let me ask you this….can coaching fix whiffing on a fumbled punt?   

    You can choose one play that supports your narrative, but if you think our head coach looks and acts confident, positive, assured, then I don't know what to tell you. The product on the field is really bad, and while yes, there is definitely a  player component, coaching is absolutely a factor. I won't go back thru and lay out all the head scratching, WTAH, coaching decisions in this game, because they've been illustrated multiple times. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Mikey said:

    There are only 24 hours in a day. Maybe with the (needed) emphasis on recruiting the day to day coaching has taken a back seat? Just a thought.

    This has entered my mind as to possibly why our on field product has looked so underwhelming. Maybe CHF thought he could rely on PM so he could focus on recruiting and it hasn't panned out like he hoped. (Trying to find a logical reason why our offensive play has been so sketchy and HF has looked so deflated.) 

  4. 49 minutes ago, KansasTiger said:

    His constant disparaging of his own team isn't helping.

    I wish I understood this. It's so odd that he doesn't realize how much bad juju will flow from this level of 'transparency'.

    • Like 1
  5.  "I don't know if we're built to be in a scoring match right now with LSU, or Ole Miss next week." Hugh Freeze

    This is our coach one week ahead of the next game. I'll go ahead and put this one in the 'L' column. 🙄

    He's GOT to know the effect this will have, right?

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, DAG said:

    Basically say you don’t know if we could win this game is indirect finger pointing.

    This. I know he has said this, or a variation of, several times now in press conferences. While I appreciate his candor (and am so thankful we don't have the 'everything's FINE' coach speak anymore) the fact that he feels this way and VERBALIZES it can't do much to shore up fight in our guys. He has an Eeyore effect. 

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  7. I feel like something is going on with Hugh Freeze. He rolls into his press conferences looking like a hungover frat kid that forgot to take a shower. He's uninspiring, tired, negative. I don't sense any fire at all, and it seems a 180 from what I expected (believing Auburn was his dream destination for years) and even how he came across early on. I'm not sure how to right this ship at this point, but I'm more discouraged than I think I've ever been. I never quit watching...even on the worst Haskin days. But I'm just over the disappointment. 

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  8. I think for me, I let myself get unrealistically hyped with all the positives after hiring CHF. I think I expected some kind of miracle turn around, and the last few games have brought me back to reality. CHF may be a great coach, but he can only work with what he's got, and it will take time. I'm unsure what to think about the state of our offense...I definitely was expecting that Malik Willis magic, and did not think our offense would look so poorly called and executed. So, I came out of the gate game 1 ready to shock a lot of people but trying to be a bit more balanced in what to hope for at this  point. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

    Robby coming in and throwing that pretty is going to complicate things. Hugh doesn’t seem to be ver decisive with his decisions. He probably sitting on the sideline like


    Said basically the same thing. I don't think this will help the wishy washy QB situation. I just wish someone would rise head and shoulders above and make it a clear choice. Prior to Robby's good throws, I felt like PT elevated himself and looked much better. His running was 👌 and I thought he was pulling away from the other two 'nipping at his heels'. 

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