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Glenn Wang

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Everything posted by Glenn Wang

  1. Cool post, is there something similar?
  2. I am currently looking for quality resources to help me solve my homework. I am a college student and I waste a lot of free time sitting in my pants at lessons and lectures when I could do useful things. I also hate math so I use https://plainmath.net/post-secondary/calculus-and-analysis/integral-calculus/integrals to do my homework quickly and correctly. I did manage to find a site with step-by-step solutions to hundreds of college integral questions, but I'm always open to additional sources, so feel free to share them in this thread!
  3. I am currently looking for quality resources to help me solve my homework.
  4. Hey! I'm a new member of this forum. I saw this topic, and decided to find out if this forum helps their friends solve problems with their studies or homework?
  5. Indeed, very sorry. This man lived a good life...
  6. I have not experienced such excitement during the game for a long time. Well done guys!
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