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Everything posted by japantiger

  1. You mean like a poorly thrown interception? That kind of momentum?
  2. After the 1st qtr hell....they checked out before the opening kickoff
  3. Have you been watching this? It's obvious we didn't practice
  4. Been listening to this abortion while driving back to TX. Just glad I didn't set aside time to watch this game. It doesn't even look like we practiced.
  5. The stupid timeout was the one they had to take earlier because they had #9 on the field for a play; and then couldn't substitute #1 back in and get a play in in time to avoid a delay penalty. Why in the hell #9 played a down is beyond me.
  6. Bad hire... anyone that won't admit the abject stupidity of that decision is too damn dumb to coach football.
  7. This is on the head coach. Bad decision...but he's a bad hire somim not surprised
  8. 2 man rush...Freeze should be fired. I'm sorry, that is the dumbest goddam thing I've ever seen
  9. Let's hope it doesn't come down to a needed timeout
  10. 56-3. These games are never upsets. The better team (and in this case Bama by a mile) always wins. In the words of LT Ronald Spears, "The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead"
  11. Agreed. You can't build a competitive SEC team off the transfer portal. If your recruiting sucks; and has sucked for 5 years, you suck. The only way out is better recruiting. Taking 40 second team and lower players from G5 and even P5 will not make you competitive. Couple that with coaching malpractice and viola'....and what happened yesterday was coaching malpractice coupled with a less than quality SEC roster coupled with, apparently, apathy. The portal can solve a problem or two; but it has to be players that were obviously outperforming their original HS ranking and they are better than advertised and are looking to upgrade. But that will only plug a gap or two. Taking guys who just can't start somewhere else isn't going to solve your problems....there were ~3,000 players in the portal.
  12. Another reason Jimbo is gone...he recruited a QB that can't start at a G5 school
  13. Probably not...I just remember losing to Vandy in 2012 and in 2008 before that...what happened to our coaches both times that happened? There are some losses you just don't recover from.
  14. Call Saban and forfeit. They will beat us as bad as they want to....think 2012 level beat down.
  15. Kirby Smart and Nick Saban don't talk about trap games....they talk about every member of the team and staff doing their jobs and beating the ever living hell out of everyone they play enroute to winning the championship. Talking heads talk about all kinds of irrelevant s***. Losers talk about moral victories and trap games. We got manhandled...on both sides of the ball on practically every play. It was not a ballgame. If NMSU was worth a s***, they'd have beaten us 40 points...the fact that they are not is all that kept it to 3 scores.
  16. "Could Auburn lose this game? Anything is possible, but it would take a complete collapse in all three game phases..."
  17. I agree. These losses happen to the coach you fired to fix the other coach you fired before you actually hire the coach you needed. Looking forward to our next hire.
  18. Sure, you keep believing that. Freeze's tenure will be about like Arnett's.
  19. No one ever talks about "trap games" with Saban or Kirby. Trap games is only used when you know you're not well coached.
  20. Got some other photos of this guy...Shane was back behind us about 30 yds with a Nikon Zoom rig...this was just before the shot
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