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Everything posted by Eagle-2

  1. Florida has been giving them to us the whole game we just have to make them.
  2. Those dagger threes can change the whole game. Have to make a few more.
  3. We play ten players, and at this rate the whole ten will be in foul trouble before the game teaches 5 min left.
  4. Foul on Broome? SEC officials are turrible
  5. Maybe so. I'm just so pi$$Ed he took the shot I wasn't going to see no foul.
  6. Yep, he's exactly who I was referring to when I said we're not playing smart basketball
  7. Happy Birthday. I'm a little long in the tooth myself, but you've got a few years on me.
  8. Florida is right there for the taking. So far, we are not playing real smart, and not hitting the shots that would be the lethal daggers. Playing good defense though.
  9. It was just a bad decision by KD. Can't wish bad decisions are bailed out by questionable foul calls.
  10. Agreed. Think we're Like one of seven from three. Not to mention unforced turnovers.
  11. 21 points for Florida. Ten of them from the free throw line. Officials keeping them in this one.
  12. Oh, they're going to keep it as close as possible for a while.
  13. Oh, I could have done that I guess. So, he's really no more of an authority than my next door neighbor truthfully.
  14. Love that driving the ball, and taking that 8' pull up jumper. It's almost a lost art these days.
  15. Question, just who is Joe Lunardi, and what's his claim to fame?
  16. Just drive with the guards it's an automatic foul call.
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