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ESPN updates story. Talks to Bill Bell about Cecil Newton


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Now we've got 2 people saying Cecil Newton asked for cash?  Was really hoping nobody would or could confirm Roger's story.  Not good.   >:(

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So he is confirming this guy's 4th different story.  Funny how the only thing he would say is that rogers was telling the truth.  But, he did not say he heard newton say it or had any proof of it other than rogers's word.

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There's never been any indication that Cecil spoke with Bell.  According to KR, he told Cecil that he didn't have the money so he called Bell who in turn called Bond.  It still sounds like everything points back to KR because nobody else involved had contact with Cecil....except the two MSU "recruiters" (coaches).

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And I was just gonna say I have been watching this Pitt/UConn game on ESPN and they have not mentioned a word about Cam or Auburn the whole game..They've been really quiet tonight for some reason..

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Now we've got 2 people saying Cecil Newton asked for cash?  Was really hoping nobody would or could confirm Roger's story.  Not good.   >:(

No, it's not good, but nowhere in the article does it say that Bill Bell talked directly to Cecil Newton.  Rogers story is that he was "going to have to talk to Bell" or something along those lines.   So we don't know if Bell is saying that Cecil Newton wanted money, based on Bell's conversations with Rogers, or based on his direct conversations with Cecil Newton.

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Bond didn't confirm rogers story. He said he was sticking to his story from last week which he stated he talked to rogers or middled men "Not Cecil" which means he is basing his "Cecil asked for money" on hearsay from someone else. So he has not said he has talk to Cecil. Either way this would fall back on the credibility of rogers.

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ESPN new story states they spoke with Bill Bell and Bell says Cecil Newton wanted cash.   Bell says he spoke with NCAA earlier this week.


IF he spoke with the NCAA earlier this week, and made that claim, they would have told Auburn to sit Cam already.    :dunno::devil:>:(

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And I was just gonna say I have been watching this Pitt/UConn game on ESPN and they have not mentioned a word about Cam or Auburn the whole game..They've been really quiet tonight for some reason..

probably because all the characters with severe cred issues are all claiming to speak the truth now..

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The Only story conformation that matters is the MSU coaches.  Just because another slimeball says it is true does not make the story credible. These allegations will be tough to prove because money did not change hands and the money trail is not there.  So we always have one person’s word against another.   Now if the MSU coaches collaborate the story then things change drastically.  

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So, the MSU coach said "No, no, I don't want to hear that" refering to money being paid for a player, yet Rogers was then given the number of a booster so he could contact him to find out if they were going to pay?  

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The Only story conformation that matters is the MSU coaches.  Just because another slimeball says it is true does not make the story credible. These allegations will be tough to prove because money did not change hands and the money trail is not there.  So we always have one person’s word against another.   Now if the MSU coaches collaborate the story then things change drastically.  

And if they do,they will be sanctioned by the NCAA,if they back up Rodgers story,they are admitting to NCAAA violations

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Now we've got 2 people saying Cecil Newton asked for cash?  Was really hoping nobody would or could confirm Roger's story.  Not good.   >:(

I know, TWO people telling a lie in ONE day! Thats unheard of!  :-\

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Now we've got 2 people saying Cecil Newton asked for cash?  Was really hoping nobody would or could confirm Roger's story.  Not good.   >:(

Rogers story says that he called Bill Bell and left a message.  When he says Newton was asking for money - according to who, Rogers?  Rogers story does not indicate that Bell was at the meeting.  This doesn't change anything, yet.

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