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Barnhart's Friday Blog


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Doesn't try to solve anymore of the puzzle.  Important observation about the NCAA, and this should clear up some of the discussion about Cam's eligibility going on in other threads.  Unless the NCAA has specific information rendering Cam ineligible, it is up to AU whether or not he played.  The reality of that is that it leads us right back into a grey area.  Cam playing can mean several things, not the least of which being that AU firmly believes there is nothing that would cause him to be ineligible.  However, it can also mean AU just doesn't know and has decided at this in point in the season to take huge chance (one I agree with by the way).


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I feel comfortable that our compliance officer knows what he's doing. He knows the risk involved, and he apparently sees no reason to make Cam sit out. That's good enough for me. WDE!

ALL IN...we had no idea how far in that would take us.....but I was going anyway! :believe:

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I don't think they would play him now.  If they weren't sure at this point.  If they didn't know until now about this they would probably be able to keep their jobs.  if they were blasted out of the blue by something miss st didn't report in july.  I just find it hard to believe all of these men would risk job and reputation if they weren't sure. If they can do that they need to sign up of the world series of poker because they have the best poker face ever.

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