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Finally, Kerry answers


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but what a softball interview. I read this whole thing, and I don't think I have ever seen a national politician more out of touch with the US and the rest of the world. It is like he just came up out of a bomb shelter after 30 years. I found myself repeating after reading each of his responses, like Elaine in Seinfeld, "What does that mean, what does that mean!??!"

He obviously hasn't seen any polls, he said he saw not one minute of the Republican Convention, he says he has no clue about what is going on in Iraq, but that by some huge miracle, other countries are going to open their bank accounts and military services to him; I am shocked at the blinders he has put on, not only the world situation and the war in Iraq, but the politics of this current election. How can you run against someone, campaign everyday against them, if you didn't watch their convention to see where they stand on the issues and what their emphasis is going to be on for the next 2 months????

The most disturbing statement, one more where he contradicts himself in the same breath.

But I will tell you this, that we've gone backward in Iraq, and we've gone backward on the war on terror. I'm not President until Jan. 20, if America elects me. I don't know what I'll find in Iraq.

"I've Been in Worse Situations"

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I can't believe someone this inept has been given the opportunity to potentially be the most powerful man in the world. What really gets to me is the way people believe him. That article was a prime example demonstrating that he's full of it, and has no clue about anything.

TIME - You can't be more specific?

Thats what I've been asking for a while now. I'm glad to see that someone in the media can see through his sugar coated glaze of 'I can be better, elect me and you'll find out how' comments.

KERRY - They disbanded the Iraqi military.


TIME - Will you be more specific about timetables for getting troops out?

KERRY - I have said that I have a goal to be able to bring our troops out of there within my first term, and I hope to be able to bring out some troops within the first year. But what's important here is that I can fight a more effective war on terror.

John Kerry - professional dodgeball player.

Nice specificity... HOPE to bring SOME. And how are you going to be more effective again? Oh yeah, you haven't said.

TIME - If I could get back to politics

KERRY- I don't talk politics.

Thats the problem Kerry. You're a politician, but you don't do politics. Instead of addressing the issues yourself, you bring up your service in Vietnam. When that turned sour, you bring up Bush's service. You focus on telling people that Bush is not addressing the issues. Well, had you watched the RNC.... Which brings up the fact that he immediately got on TV following the RNC denouncing its speeches, when he didnt even watch it! You spew depressing facts about jobs, money, Iraq, terrorism, and income. Look at the statistics next time youre out yachting, you'll find that things are actually a lot better than your perception.

GRR! :angry:

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I can't believe it either, but let's face it, he is the BEST liberal out there! :lol::lol:

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