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Do we have a definitive answer yet on whether or not Shon is counting toward this class?  I know it's been discussed in other threads but I just was wondering what is the latest on him.

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Do we have a definitive answer yet on whether or not Shon is counting toward this class?  I know it's been discussed in other threads but I just was wondering what is the latest on him.

No official word yet.  I don't see how the NCAA could deny the request though. 

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Do we have a definitive answer yet on whether or not Shon is counting toward this class?  I know it's been discussed in other threads but I just was wondering what is the latest on him.

No official word yet.  I don't see how the NCAA could deny the request though. 

Me either.....but it is the NCAA we're talking about so you can throw simple logic out the window. With that said, I don't see how they could deny the request either.

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I don't see what is taking so long for the NCAA to rule on this situation. It is pretty cut and dry if you ask me. Either he counts towards this class or he doesn't. Rule already!

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I doubt it is ever made public. They will probably just tell the coaches the decision. Then we will have to get it from a Mod.

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Do they have to decide by Wednesday so we can know whether to save a spot for him in this class or not?

The NCAA doesn't have to do anything in any time frame.  :dunno:

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Do they have to decide by Wednesday so we can know whether to save a spot for him in this class or not?

The NCAA unfortunately doesn't have to do anything. They make all of the rules and all of the regulations. I hate it from time to time, but it's probably much better than the alternative.

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I doubt it is ever made public. They will probably just tell the coaches the decision. Then we will have to get it from a Mod.

I would think it would have to be made public. That way Auburn knows what numbers they are working with that year, and other schools, especially SEC schools, need to know this also as far as Auburn's numbers go.

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I doubt it is ever made public. They will probably just tell the coaches the decision. Then we will have to get it from a Mod.

I would think it would have to be made public. That way Auburn knows what numbers they are working with that year, and other schools, especially SEC schools, need to know this also as far as Auburn's numbers go.

That is why I said the NCAA will proably tell the Auburn coaches the NCAA's decision.

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