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Outrageous comment from Cameron Diaz


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Yesterday, Oprah had some celebrities on talking about the importance of voting. Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, P Diddy, and Christina Aguilera appeared. The studio audience was made up entirely of people of voting age who have never registered to vote.

Most of the show was very non-partisan with no one urging people to vote for any particular candidate or issue, just stressing the importance of voting. That is until Cameron Diaz said the following:

Ms. DIAZ: We have a voice now, and we're not using it, and women have so much to lose. I mean, we could lose the right to our bodies. We could lo--if you think that rape should be legal, then don't vote. But if you think that you have a right to your body, and you have a right to say what happens to you and fight off that danger of losing that, then you should vote, and those are the...

WINFREY: It's your voice.

Ms. DIAZ: It's your voice. It's your voice, that's your right.

That is patently offensive. By alluding to a pro-choice argument, it is obvious that Ms. Diaz is not supporting the President for re-election. That's ok, albeit tacky considering the carefully non-partisan nature of the show that day. But implying that not voting (presumably against Bush) would or could result in the legalization of rape?!? What planet is she on? And Ms. Winfrey...how in hell do you let a blatant lie and obviously outrageous statement like that slide without comment or rebuttal?

Unbelievable the fantasy world some of these Hollywood idiots live in.

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...if you think that rape should be legal, then don't vote. But if you think that you have a right to your body, and you have a right to say what happens to you and fight off that danger of losing that, then you should vote, and those are the...

That one quote alone should be enough to invalidate Ms Diaz's voting rights. She clearly has no clue what in the world she's talking about. I don't care how friggen hot she is, saying that a vote for W is a vote FOR legalizing rape ??? This is why we should limit, and not expand, our voting rosters. There are just too many idiots out there who don't live in reality. Anyone so outside the realm of basic coherent thought should be kept far FAR away from the process of electing anyone above the level of dog catcher.

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So a woman wanting to end the life of someone that has different DNA than hers is okay? Does that mean that any woman has the right to end the life of anyone that does'nt have her DNA too?

No logic here...

It must be fun to live in the Looney Liberal World.

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Forget the abortion comment. I mean, I disagree with her view on that, but abortion is currently legal so it is what it is. It's the rape statement that makes my blood boil. Absolutely unbelievable.

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Well, I didn't see it but from reading it I don't get what you're getting out of it titan. I think she just put her foot in her mouth trying to draw some comparison between a woman being raped and a woman being forced to have a baby/denied an abortion. In both cases a woman could be said to not be in control of her body. A bit of melodrama for sure. I'm not agreeing with what she said! It is obviously not well thought out or said.

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I know what she's doing. She's making a slippery slope argument, albeit in a rather inept way. But it is outrageous to equate voting for a pro-life president with voting for the legalization of rape. It would be like equating voting for a communist/socialist leaning Democrat with voting for murder of those with viewpoints in opposition to gov't politces to be legal. Because you know after all, that's what Stalin and Lenin did. They just murdered dissedents.

It's absurd and insulting.

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I think you're wrong. Think about it. Would anyone really think rape will be legalized? She made a bad comparison to try and make her point stronger. I really don't think this is a slippery slope argument at all. Just a really bad comparison/analogy.

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I get what you're saying. I object to the analogy. It wasn't just that the analogy didn't fit though. It was over the top and offensive to me. It was just an absurd thing to say.

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Yeah, it was a ridiculous statement regardless of what her intent was. Why not just speak clearly in a way which everyone will understand when discussing important issues like this? Imo she's just trying to bolster her argument by comparing the two. I could be wrong.

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if you think that rape should be legal, then don't vote.

So, anyone who does not vote will, by default, agree that rape should be legal ??? WTF ? The act of rape is illegal. If , in the bizzaro world of Carmen Diaz, Bush wins re-election, some how repeals a womans right to have an abortion, and even forces a women who has been raped to deliver that baby, exactly HOW does that make rape 'legal' ??? There is still a HUGE disconnect in that line of thought.

This smacks of some extreme feminazi (womyn studies ) crap that tries to promote the idea that ALL sex is rape. Abortion and rape are separate issues. It's clear that Ms Diaz is very confused, and was trying in a not so clever way use scare tactics while attempting to make a off the cuff comment. She failed miserably on all counts.

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