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NCAA on why former Miami players/recruits are eligible.


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"The NCAA seems to be targeting the adults and the school, not the players, in building its case against Miami. As noted, recruiting violations typically follow transfers, such as Marve, to the new school. Recruits are thought to be less culpable. Extra benefits taken during a recruiting visit count only if that recruit signs where the violation occurs."

"Historically, the idea has been when there are violations involving prospects, it's the coach or the booster or the school who knows better," Roe Lach said. "Sometimes the prospects or the prospect's family doesn't [know better], so it's not fair."

Hmmm . . . where were these measured, thoughtful comments last year when Cam and his dad were accused of asking for extra benefits from a school he did not attend?  Or, taking the more cynical approach, why aren't there assumptions being made that Charles and other recruits took similar benefits from Miami?

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The NCAA was lenient with some players, like Dareus, during the North Carolina 'partying in Miami with agents' scandal if they cooperated and snitched on others.  I believe they are doing the same with the UM booster scandal with the recruits that are elsewhere.  Which brings up the question of just who are they after... the UM coaches that where involved, the UM administrators that were involved, the UM players that were involved, or who?

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The NCAA was lenient with some players, like Dareus, during the North Carolina 'partying in Miami with agents' scandal if they cooperated and snitched on others.  I believe they are doing the same with the UM booster scandal with the recruits that are elsewhere.  Which brings up the question of just who are they after... the UM coaches that where involved, the UM administrators that were involved, the UM players that were involved, or who?

The NCAA has no recourse for the past players. The current players are another situation altogether. It seems as if they are giving all the players or recruits that signed or will sign with another team a pass.

I don't buy that the recruits know what is allowed and what isn't. Hosts are allowed $30 a day to entertain players ( and family?) is that $30 per person? That doesn't include meals or lodging, correct?

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According to spokesperson from NCAA "Roe Lach admitted there could be an opening "if the student-athlete is savvy in gaming the system and being an open party to recruiting violations." But she countered that the resulting paperwork from chasing every recruiting violation at every school wouldn't exactly enhance the NCAA's image.

"It almost would be a bureaucratic mess if all those violations are going to affect a prospect's eligibility at every school," Roe Lach said."

If NCAA lets kids violate recruiting rules at schools they don't attend without punishment, why don't current players come forward with recruiting violations at other schools that recruited them to get them in trouble?  It would be interesting to see if CG has any stories to tell about his former teammates.

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