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Just So Proud of Our Tigers!


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Prouder as every moment passes...here's my FB status...

"You just might be from Auburn if...you just happen upon the last 5 critical minutes of the AU/SC game downtown in Pita Pit on the way back from your firstborn's band competition in Alex City, knowing there are much quicker ways to get home to Millbrook...but not really caring! [And you snag a couple of pix at Toomer's right before popping in for a "Faith Family Football" Chizik towel at Stamplify (formerly Southernman Design) and another dose of Chill Froyo! Scary love for my stomping grounds!]  WAR EAGLE!!!"

Our ears were glued to the radio enroute, but seeing those last five minutes even on TV was incredible.  I prayed differently before this game.  I believe it was answered on all levels.  AE family, keep up the wonderful encouragement and prayers for this team to reflect what they're made of and what they're here for.  We exist to be different, and it's wonderful! 

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First timer, but forever "All In" w/Pita Pit now.  They absolutely rock...and they don't even show up on "TripAdvisor"!  Go figure...but let's remember that there are a lot of hidden jewels out there, especially ones connected to Auburn!  Thanks, Sigma!!

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